Saturday, December 31, 2011

Friday, December 30, 2011

Random texts received

Here are a couple of texts I've received from a number I don't recognize:

At first I thought I might have accidentally sent a photo to the wrong number. Then I got this one from another number yesterday:

I'm not sure who karl is. It's not one of my aliases. I'm not ready to text these people back and tell them they got the wrong number. I kinda hope they send more. Know what I mean? (LC)

p.s. kudos to the second texter for the use of "Godspeed". I guess you can call me karl if you have to.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

I imagine there's some truth to this ad.



Whoa!!I'm impressed! I saw this and the previous vid on (LC)


Have you seen this?

This answers a lot of questions,...and raises a whole bunch of new ones. There are plenty of documented stories out there about killer whales eating white sharks, but the way the whale toyed with it and carried the shark around in its mouth like a dog that caught a rabbit or something, the way it showed off it's catch to the boat...This is a Great White Shark, JAWS, the terror of the deep, the reason we don't go in the water. The killer whale made GWS it's beotch. Don't be fooled by it's sweet demeanor. The Orca, like the Polar Bear(and Texas), is not to be messed with.

I feel a little cheated that the video didn't show "the kill". It's a gnarly story, though. (LC)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I rang up some DVDs for a guy last night. He complained about something a coworker said. I'm not sure what the coworker said. The customer commented that people should be careful about what they say. "You never know who could be listening. I used to kill people for the government." Then he walked out. Was that a threat? (LC)

Monday, December 26, 2011

X-mas gifts

I got this cool tin full of candy for x-mas. The candy is gone, and now I have this cool but empty tin that I don't know what to do with. It would be awesome for drugs and paraphernalia. Unfortunately, I don't do drugs. Any suggestions? (LC)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy holidays!

Do you think these guys are having a merry christmas?

Have fun with your XBox. (LC)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


The Melvins are pretty much the best.


Music celebs

There's a guy who regularly comes in to my work and buys a bunch of used punk 7"s. Pretty normal, quiet dude. I always thought he was cool because he bought a bunch of 7"s. He came in tonight and shopped around. Earlier in the evening, a woman came in looking for 7 Year Bitch, Mia Zapata and The Gits. I had planned on playing Dangerous Toys as my next pick on the store's stereo, but put on L7 instead. The 7" dude came up to make his purchase. He asked if this was L7, then said that the main person that band, Donita Sparks, has a new band. They opened for his band in New York but they were terrible. I asked him what his band is. "Mudhoney", he replied. Whoa! I was taken aback a little. I know Mudhoney were never "huge" or anything. Nor have they ever been a band I followed much, but they've always been one I've had a lot of respect for. The dude is Steve Turner . His peers and fellow bandmates while growing up, went on to form the highly sucessful crappy grunge band Pearl Jam. He didn't because he said "screw it. I don't want to be like crappy like that" (I'm 100% positive those weren't his actual words. I made that up, but I think it means the same). This guy always is dressed in work clothes and has a scruffy beard, always kinda quiet. He always buys cheap-ass punk 7"s. He's probably the most unassuming "rock star" out there. I'm impressed.

Monday, December 19, 2011


No, I'm not going to hate on bikes. The current bicycle craze is a pretty good thing, I guess. 3 bikers rode past my car as I climbed into it after work tonight. It was very dark and none of them had lights. (That's very very very bad). They flipped a u-turn in the middle of a busy street, right in front of a fast moving vehicle. I rolled down my window and yelled, "Get some lights!"
One of the dudes yelled back, "Yeah, okay. Right." You know that tone: don't tell me what to do because you don't know a damn thing, dad? Yeah, that snot-nosed bratty freshly-turned "I just turned 21 and can go to bars now, so I'm the shit" tone. That tone pisses me off like like none other. I HATE the over-privileged attitudes a lot of the Portland young adults have. That, and their crappy haircuts. And poor bicycle ettiquete... Anyway, I fumed over it a bit. After I drove about 10 blocks, I noticed I didn't have my headlights on. Yes, stupid but true. (LC)

p.s. 200th post!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

My Music for 2011

I got to play with amazing people this year, thank you. I still feel like I could die if I didnt have this outlet.

Trigger Itch; James, Herg, and Andy.
Strings and Chemicals; Shaun, Todd, Brian and Justin
Torn Anus; Matt
Gordie Howe Trio Unit; Shane, RL, Clapp, and AA
Thomas Paul

Also thanks to the people who came over to my house to play music with me just for fun; Conrad, Luke, Meatpants, and Schug.

Cartoons and Video Games

I know I'm in the minority here, but unless you're under 13 I just don't get it. Though to be honest I was never really into them even before 13. I had better things to do I guess. (Bug)

Friday, December 16, 2011

Heavy Metal movie

I'm normally not into cartoons but this movie is fantastic, and has great soundtrack! The title track may be Sammy Hagar's best.

I always wondered why Stevie Nicks made it on here, though...and Donald Fagan for that matter. Neither are heavy or metal. I can let Cheap Trick slide, and even Devo. What Journey lacked in sound, they made up for with album covers...actually not a whole lot of metal on this one. Anyway, It still kicks butt. (LC)

In case you missed it.

Having one of those days? Click here.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The weather right now feels grim.

It's like I'm watching the movie "The Road", but it's out my window and cold inside. (LC)


I just tried watching a movie the critics liked. I almost made it 10 minutes. The critics should really like movies such as "The Legend of Billy Jean", "Vision Quest", or "Heartbreak Ridge". These are flicks I can get behind. (LC)


So the last week of October I went in and co-hosted my pals radio show on Boise's local radio station, KRBX, 'High, Wild and Free'. It was a lot of fun. When I went down I brought 19 of the records I've played music on, I know that's a lot, but that's only half of them. I gave them to the music director at the station with a detailed note and notes on each record. I also included my email and phone number if they had any questions about any of the releases.

Some of the records were very rare and dear to me, and I only had one copy, so I put on the notes that I'd like to get them back in a few months, but if they liked any one record in particular that I would see about finding it, to actually give them a copy of their own.

I notified about 7 of my favorite DJ's via facebook and text and email to the fact that I was excited to get some of my records played and they were at the studio. After all, the station touts itself as Boise's real local station, so I thought they would be happy about having not one, not two, but 19 new local releases.

I carefully watched each of my favorite DJ's play lists logged on their website A few weeks went by and zero plays on ANY of the records.

I tweeted to the site asking about my records, I received a stock tweet back, "Thanks for your donation to the station, it may take time for your records to be in rotation."

Now 6 weeks after delivering the records to the station not one has yet to be played. I've noticed that many other local bands have had their releases played that have been dropped off later, much later and played many more times than even one of the 19 that I brought down. I wonder how those other bands immediately got their records into "rotation" yet mine, all 19 collect dust?

When KRBX started I was wondering why my records weren't getting played, after all I've got a ton out there. Then I thought, maybe its my fault and they just don't have my records. Nope. That's fine, maybe they just don't like my kind of music, but I tried.

At the end of the day, I just want my records back. I tried participating in community radio. Any plays that they might garner at this point would be "pity plays" and I don't want that. I emailed the station and said that I'd like to get my records back. That was 4 days ago, no response as of yet. (Bug)

Woody's Time

I work at a bar called Woody's. The fax machine says its January 3rd and the calendar in the office says its October. Who runs this place anyway? (Bug)


 A coworker asked me to be in a football pool today. I'm 37 and couldnt tell you what a First Down is, means or represents. I have ZERO clue what the difference between a Full Back and a Tight End is, though one makes me giggle a little more then the other. I've never had a favorite team or town. I dont even care about superbowl or BSU, my home team. I just don't care, I've got more important things in my life to worry about I guess. Sorry, I dont mean to be a hater. (Bug)

Here's a tip:

If you are applying for federal financial aid and you are required to take the Complete Entrance Counseling Quiz, all of the answers are either "true" or "all of the above". I hope this helps all of you future college students. (LC)


We had our carpet at work clean today from 11pm to 4am. I was lucky enough to get to be there to assist the cleaners. They were 2 macho-looking dudes. I asked them what would they like to listen to while they worked. (This is a record store, you know). So the dude in charge said: "Got any 80s?" So I put on a compilation of hits from the 80s.

The CD played for a bit, then the dude came up to me and asked, "Got any Abba?" I grab Abba Gold.

After that one finished I checked with him and he said,"How about Michael Jackson?"
I ask him:"Early or late?"
"Early." I put on Thriller.

When that one finished I went and grabbed Prince-Purple Rain with even checking with him. I looked at him and he gave me a thumbs-up.

I had a good time hangin' with the carpet cleaners. I would do it all over again, if asked. (LC)

Once in a lifetime

K.Y. and I watched our awesome Toyota Yaris hit 60,000 miles. It had 12 when we got it 4 years ago. Not a bad little ride. Thumbs up from me. (LC)

My neighborhood

I live in St. Johns. It's the most northern residential neighborhood in Portland. There's St. Johns, then a bunch of industrial parks and docks on both the Willamette and Columbia rivers. Lots of trucks go by. St. Johns used to be its own little town before it was annexed as part of the city. At first look, it still has a small town feel to it. There's an old movie theater, some shops with old signs, and gem of a diner called Patti's Home Plate (I'm not really a fan). It's cute and quaint and a little charming, but don't be fooled. St. Johns is a dump. There's all kinds of riff raff who like to dump our trash out in the middle of the night, and walk out into traffic, and deal drugs at the bus stop. People believe in this neighborhood, though. People keep trying to fix it up, and have community activites. I've seen one place change businesses 3 times in the 4 years I've lived here. Drunks are in the Bluebird before Noon. My jeep was broken into and my crappy Alpine stereo from 1996 was stolen 2 summers ago. Anyway, my advice to newcomers to St. Johns that are falling for it's "charm": You can't polish a turd. (LC)

Yet another Dr. appt.

I met with a new doctor yesterday. Wymans was with me, as always. (I think she comes with me just to make sure I go.) Anyway, we were talking about exercise. the doc looks over at Wymans then looks back at me and says: "Looks like mamma knows how to cook!"
We laughed. How else do you respond to that? (LC)


I will always change the station when Collective Soul comes on. That's just me. (LC)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


A customer corrected me at work the other day. We were talking money.

Him: It costs me about a hundred bucks to fill up my truck.

Me: Yeah, gas prices are pretty crazy.

Him: My truck don't use gas. It's diesel.

Pardon me. (LC)

Monday, December 12, 2011


When I went to the dentist a few weeks ago, they recommended that I use an electric toothbrush. I finally got one. You know, something doesn't feel quite right when I put that thing in my mouth. (LC)


So I spent the night with my kid at my parents house. They have two bathrooms. Between the two bathrooms I've counted eight blow dryers. Thats some dry shit going on over here. This girl doesnt live here, but if she did, she'd have some fluffy ass hair.


Sonic Avenues

One of my favorite pop groups this winter is Sonic Avenues. They have a brand new album out on Dirtnap Records in January. They are from French Canada. Heres my favorite song, both on record then live. What do you think?

Xmas Shopping

People are really such pigs. I went to the mall to get some gifts yesterday. Its not that I hate gifts, its that I hate the overabundance of gifts. A few are nice and especially to those who have been good to you, its a nice gesture, but c'mon people.


Music sites

I don't think I would download from this site. Not because I'm afraid of illegal downloading or anything like that. The girl is even pretty cute. I just don't think they would have anything I'd be interested in. Just a hunch. (LC)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The truth is,

I probably don't like you. If I don't know you, then I probably wouldn't like you if I did. Do you like me? Probably not. If you don't know me, would you like me if you knew me? Most likely not. (LC)

The Beatles

I'm not sure which Beatles I like better: the younger version with a sense of humor
or the older, more serious version
. (LC)

2 dr. appointments last Friday.

I had 2 doctor appointments on Friday. (Luckily, I have pretty good insurance.) One was for my shoulder and the other was for my hernia. I broke my shoulder more than 10 years ago and it's given me trouble ever since. I finally had some new x-rays taken. Gotta wait and see... The hernia appointment was something else altogether. I got my goods inspected intimately and thoroughly, twice, by 2 different doctors. The 2nd doc, with one hand cupping my manhood, noticed the tattoo on my leg and had to take in Sean Wyatt's handiwork. I was sweating bullets. Anyway, the 1st doc thought he felt something, but the 2nd didn't. Not for a lack of effort. sheesh. We had a long discussion about possibilities, afterward. We decided that we should wait on surgery until something proves to be more evident. In the meantime, after a long day on my feet and lifting the occasional 50lb box full of records, I'm feeling like this:

I'm sure those in the know, know what I'm talking about. I really want to get back to feeling like this:

Anyway, I have return visit scheduled in 3 months. Anyone moving or need someone to carry any heavy boxes? If I'm to be groped like that again, I want it to be fruitful, not efforts futile. Man, I feel like a wimp. I have Kaiser to thank for the handy and informative pamphlet that provided the helpful illustrations used in this post. Again, I apologize for such a long blog post. (LC)

Badass or Bad Attitude?


Since we're kind of on the subject still...

...who ever thought this would still be around? HOMEPAGE

Great advice


I haven't watched it yet,

but I just want to make sure you know it's available. Click HERE.

It's logical.

To not return your shopping cart to a proper shopping cart disposal location, but leave it in the parking lot is nothing but laziness. (LC)


I've never scored a touchdown in any football game that mattered. Straight up truth. (LC)


No one wants to hear about how you're really doing. From here on out, whenever someone asks, I'll just say, "I'm having the best day of my life! Never been better."


Katy Perry

My daughter likes Katy Perry. I tell ya, I kinda like her too, just in a different way than an 8 year old girl likes her.


I just found out the other day that Wymans hates this band.


It's too tough for me to pick a favorite singer, and it would be too easy to go with Hank or Keith. So here's some with Dez. The greatest punk band ever, in my book anyway. A bit of a stretch? Probably. I don't care! (LC)

Badass or Bad Attitude?


Friday, December 9, 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011


I wasted the whole evening trying to get my internet to work. Got a new modem, and called the cable company. I yelled at my dogs, too. That must have done the trick because it works now. Nothing to blog about at the moment, though. (LC)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

This makes me happy.

click here.

I love food.

Here's the thing: Man, I love to eat, but I settle for pizza way too much. Know what I'm talking about? (LC)

Burnt out.

I know it's impossible, but sometimes I feel like I've checked out everything worth while on the internet. I need to find some new websites to look at. (LC)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Human Honey Badger



Its my birthday today. I'm not gonna cry about anything. Thats said, it wouldnt hurt you to buy me a present or something. How about follow the blog. Meh. Maybe next year.. (Bug)


You can always tell who has the day off by driving behind them. (LC)

OCCUPY Everyday Music

This sign was stuck to a phone pole across the street from my work:

We suspect it was a dude who claimed he forgot his a Kiss box set here after we made an offer too low for it. To cut a long story short, the dude went to the glass case where we keep some box sets, saw a Kiss box set and said it was his. We didn't give it to him. We have documented proof (dates and signatures) that it isn't his. The dude got mad and said he would stand outside our store and protest. Shucks. People were camping downtown in protest and all we got was a dumb cardboard sign.

Just to set the record straight: Everyday Music does not "steel" from people who bring their crappy, scratched-up, Garth Brooks CDs (that most likely skip, and were pulled out of a dumpster). Everyday Music pays for that trash and takes a loss. We will make an offer on just about any CD, DVD, Blu-Ray, VHS, LP, cassette, and 8-track (no burned cds, dvds, or copied cassettes)(all must have cases and artwork). It probably won't be for very much, though. A lot of this garbage will never sell. The company has a whole warehouse full of it. People get mad when we pay then a nickel for a VHS copy of E.T. then price it at 2 bucks. That's just business, honey. We'll pay you to give us your trash.

My rant is done. I apologize for the long post.

p.s. Everyday Music is having a box set sale starting on Wednesday through the weekend. 25% off used box sets! (LC)


Las Vegas seems like a great place for a football game, among other things. I've never had a bad time there. (LC)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Album Review

I finally listened to LULU today. It seems to me that these guys are getting a lot of undeserved hate. (LC)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

My top 10 favorite albums from 2011

Obviously, I haven't heard everything that came out this year, and I realize that I could change my opinion about anything at anytime. Lists are kinda arbitrary anyway. That being said, here's my list:
1. Craft-Void
2. Amebix-Sonic Mass
3. Brutal Truth-End Time
4. Anaal Nathrakh-Passion
5. Lifelover-Sjukdom
6.Today Is The Day-Pain Is A Warning
7. Loss-Despond
8. Tombs-Path Of Tonality
9. Taake-Noregs-Vaapen
10. Noisear-Subvert the Dominant Paradigm

I have a few questions.

Why do some people slap the crosswalk button multiple times? Is that supposed to make the light change faster? Does it work? I mean, it doesn't really seem to. The people who do it just look stupid. I usually just push it once. Maybe twice if I feel that the electronics didn't get it, to be safe. If slapping the button multiple times does make the light change faster, then I'll start doing it too. Know what I mean? (LC)


I'm THAT jerk today. (LC)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Did you see the 26lb gummy bear?

$149 if you're thinking about a holiday gift for me. Here!

Steve Jobs' legacy.

Some dude shot this with iphone in his 20ft dingy.

Pretty sweet. I would like to have seen some teeth in the video, though. That's my only criticism. (LC)


I hate acoustic guitars. Except maybe Willie Nelsons. End of story. (Bug)

PDX taxi drivers are terrible.

It's gotta be a requirement for the job to suck at driving. I wish I had the vocabulary to expound more. (LC)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Monday, November 28, 2011


Dudes who smoke cigars in real life don't seem nearly as tough as dudes who smoke cigars in movies. (LC)

Other people's problems

A neighbor couple, who live a few units down, complained that they had a mouse in their condo. They said it's a problem all of us need to address. The thing is, I don't have a mouse problem. I have a neighbor problem. (LC)


Hippies love to argue. (LC)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Badass or Bad Attitude?


Who would win?


Quarter Spot

These pants that I'm wearing today are notorious for showing the quarter spot. Almost every time.

Show Review

I went to a house show last night. It was at a place called Grammas House. The house was old and filled with kids in their early 20's. Lots of kids wear funny hats these days. Ironically I wore a funny yellow hat. It wasn't so funny when I noticed 17 other funny hats. The sound system was terrible, it squawked and squealed between every song, and that's not necessarily a bad thing, but if you wanted to hear the vocals, too bad.

Pig Noose played, they sound like grindcore and grunge. People really got into it. Oilslave played next and was quieter, its just guitar and drums, no singing or bass. They sound like grunge music too. Sword of A Bad Speller played last. They were kinda hippy kids (funny hats too). They sang and rapped over Third Eye Blind songs. I got bored and left. (Bug)


I drive a Jeep Liberty. Its a real nice car. Heated leather seats, shiny black, real sporty and fun except that its got some sort of glitch in the computer. It's been broke for about a year and a half. Its been a real pain in the you know what to get fixed. I've dumped a lot of moo la into trying to get it fixed but it seems nothing is working. Oh yeah it gets bad gas mileage, about 18. I'm really bummin' on it now. (Bug)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Personalized license plates

are nothing but vanity. (LC)

I went to the dentist on Tuesday.

The dentist highly recommended that I start flossing. I haven't flossed since then. I'm wondering if I should get a second opinion. (LC)

I finally finished Duff's book.

It was a good read. The guy seems genuinely sincere. Thumbs up.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday

Black Friday is like a little Record Store Day. Some exclusive items are only sold on this day at record stores. It's a good way to get people in on the biggest shopping day of the year. It's crazy how much people freak out about this stuff. Our hours are 9am-11pm every day of the year and that's exactly what we tell people when they ask. People were lining up outside our store at 8am this morning. We were all set to open by 8:45, and since people were lining up, we decided to open then. It seemed like the most customer-friendly thing to do. We didn't have too much of that exclusive stuff to begin with, at least not as much as other local stores. A few people showed up right at 9am and got really upset that we opened a few minutes early! It was our fault they didn't get the records they "needed" (that we probably didn't have to begin with). (Besides, we know their game. A lot of people try to sell the stuff on ebay.) It's just stuff.

You know, I admit that I like the things I have and I wish I had more. I don't mean to seem like I'm on high ground or anything. I was pretty disgusted, though (and kind of not surprised), when I heard about someone assaulting customers with pepper spray just to get a deal on an XBox. That stuff hurts! I also heard stories about people getting in fist fights over blu-rays or something, too. You'd think their kid needed a lung transplant or something. Ridiculous.

My livelihood depends on people shopping/consuming in my store. I understand that it's important for money to circulate for a healthy economy. I like to save a buck, too. It just seems people get a little too caught up in deals for stuff. I also think it's a real crime that people get rewarded for bad behavior.

I can't help but sense the irony that lame people fighting over Tickle Me Elmos, or whatever is the crappy overpriced toy their spoiled kid has to get for X-mas, were sitting around a table with family lying about what they're thankful for. Sorry for the long post. I got enough for 5 blog posts here. I could go on forever. I don't buy X-mas trees so don't give me any ornaments. I hope everyone's football team loses. (LC)

Things I miss a lot #3

Pickup seat cover jackets.

Anyone know where I can get one of these? (LC)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

I went to Walmart the other night,

and all I got was this crappy t-shirt:

After about 10 minutes, I felt that way about everyone there. Happy Thanksgiving. (LC)


Just because you have to read it, it doesn't mean it's good.(LC)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Olivia Newton-John

This guy came into the store tonight(technically yesterday):

He had a back pocket full of ballpoint pens. He asked if we had any Olivia Newton-John, then started singing something and waving his arms around. He walked away for a minute, then asked for some symphonic black metal. He mentioned it helps with one of his personalities. Yes, this person is real.
Here, my co-worker Metal Matt put together a more detailed picture of this guy:

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A man came into the store tonight...

...with a parrot on his shoulder. I bought 33 45s from him for a buck. He then told me about an old Beatles record he used to have that was white vinyl. If he still had it, he would sell it for it for no less than $100. Any one on the street would pay him at least that. He said some shady relatives took it after his father/mother/some relative died. He finally left. He had parrot crap all over his back. No lie. (LC)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Another day off spent at the dr.

It's always awkward getting a hernia checked out. It's just a little bit more awkward when it's a female doctor messing with your nuts and your wife is in the room. She had a good sense of humor, though. The doctor, that is. That and fixing a burnt out tail light is how I spent this day off. It could have been worse. I could have wasted it searching for secret glory holes...Anyway, I got my flu shot. (LC)


This last summer I went a whole month without drinking a glass of water. It was kind of a bet I made with myself just to see if I could do it. I did. When I look back at the year 2011 I can be proud of some of my accomplishments. Man, did I get sick that month. (Bug)

Serious questions

I was thinking earlier about this. Why is there no "E" grade you can get in school? You can get an A,B,C,D, then it completely skips E and goes to F. It's not because it's a vowel since A is a vowel. Similarly, when and why did people start referring to going to the bathroom as going #1 and going #2? Is it because 2 rhymes with poo? I'm 36 years old and these are the questions keeping me up at night. (LC)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I'm not sure if I'd buy a car from this guy.

I still like Cannibal Corpse better. (LC)

Celeb lookalikes

I'm interested in your thoughts. (LC)

Coke Rewards Points

I've been saving my Coke Rewards points for a while now. I just got a 1-year subscription to 2 different magazines! Unfortunately, neither are the mag I really want a subscription for:

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I think I have an abscess in my mouth. In fact I think I probably have several. One day my face will fall apart. That sucks. (Bug)

Weekend of Doom recap

We had the Weekend of Doom here in Boise this last week. It was pretty rad. $15 bucks for 12 bands, 3 shows. Pretty worth it, that's slightly over a buck for some tunes. Microbabies, Thrones, Hull and Kowloon Walled City were my favorites. The flier looks pretty scary too. Sometimes it can be said I like questionable music, this is a good instance. (Bug)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Badass or Bad Attitude?


Les Schwab

It's no secret that I'm a fan of Les Schwab. I took my flat tire there today right after work. The fixed it, replaced the spare with it, and put the spare in in its proper spot in my jeep in under 30 minutes...FOR FREE! Les Schwab's customer service is the very best. You can't find better anywhere. Way better than Red Lobster. I proudly recommend them. (LC)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Fried turkey

I'm not sure why, but I'm watching a infomercial for the Butterball Turkey Frier right now. (Yes, I watch a lot of tv.) I don't think I've ever had fried turkey, but it looks really good. I'm kind of afraid I would get addicted and die if I try it, though. You know, like what they told us about crack in high school health class...but it looks so good! Is this how stoners feel when they look at High Times?...what am I thinking? I could work on the southern accent but my hair isn't anywhere big enough for a turkey frier. If you're bored and have the spare time then check out this infomercial. Or not.(LC)


I noticed one of the rear tires on my Jeep was flat when we got home this afternoon. I got out my sweet hydraulic jack and pulled out the spare. My wrench turned out to be the wrong size. Luckily, we have AAA. The representative was very friendly and knowledgeable. Being somewhat manly, and not too proud, I asked him a few questions and he gave me some pointers. He was quick and thorough. Thumbs up from me! I will fill out the survey card with great comments and drop it in the mail. Did I mention it was a complimentary (free) service just for being a member? I highly recommend spending a little bit to get such a great service.

On a side note, while waiting for AAA to show up, some dude walked past me on his way to the corner bar. (Sketchy place.) I yawned as soon as he walked past. He must have cut one, because when I inhaled it stunk BAD.(LC)

False Advertising

Chicks on Walmart commercials are actually pretty good looking, unlike when I go there. (Bug)

Performance Enhancing Drugs for TV

Ya know, it might be in bad taste, but if I were on that show Amazing Race, I'd try to find a way to cheat. (Bug)

Yesterday was a great day in history.

They're cracking down on pedophiles coaching football. Sorry, I don't mean to make light of it. I did watch the pity party at the stadium before the game. I'm glad Penn State lost. Too many jerks knew and let it carry on. To me, that's failure. Seriously, though. Can you believe a riot broke out at Penn State in support of that dude? Those guys need a reality check. Ok, I'm off it.(LC)

Hate is a strong word.

I prefer being called a don't-liker. (LC)

Pet Peeves

I have a lot of pet peeves. One is when you're driving on a road that has multiple lanes, and someone cuts in front of you from the furthest lane to get to an exit at the last possible second. Did I describe it good enough? Anyway, it seems like they just aren't planning ahead. Not to toot my own horn, but I get in the proper exit lane fairly early. (LC)

McDonald's Coffee vs. Burger King's Coffee

I have to go with Burger King's coffee. It tastes like a better roast. (LC)

cool names for bands.

The Cold Shoulder
Apex Predator
Ransom Note
Horde Executioner
Duck Hunt.
(I'm sure I'll think of more). (LC)

p.s. sorry about all the posts today. I was away from my computer for a couple days and got a little backed up.


I'm glad beards are back in style. I'm tired of looking at so many stupid faces.(LC)

Occupy Portland

The protesters were kicked out of the park downtown today.
Just great.
I guess they'll be back to occupy St.John's.(LC)


I normally don't like these things. They hog the road, especially on Portland's narrow streets. One of these would have been nice on the windy drive home today, though.

My awesome Yaris felt like a ping pong ball.(LC)

TCU 36 BSU 35


Is the taco party still on?



We won't have another one for a long time.
I listen to Metal everyday. (LC)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

100th Post

Yeah I missed it. I typed up several things, a few different days, but in the end, I didnt hit the PUBLISH POST button. I wanted something exciting and couldnt step up to the plate. Thats called self editing. My teeth hurt. (Bug)

Great advice

rules to live by. (LC)

Things I miss a lot #2

Button fly.

I guess I always felt a little sexier than when I wore zip flys.

The difference between me and you is:

You party like you got something to prove. I party like I already got it.

Let me rephrase this:

You party like there is no tomorrow. Well, I AM tomorrow, son.

Not that I mean any of this. It's just something to consider when they're doing kegstands at the barbeque.

on a side note, this blog has exceeded my expectations. This is our 100th post. Sorry Bug, I got tired of waiting. (LC)

Sunday, November 6, 2011


When you see a big shiny SUV moving, you can almost be certain that the driver is on the phone. (LC)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

An inspiration gone

He told it how he saw it. I respect that. R.I.P. Andy Rooney. At least I will miss you. (LC)
(p.s. When is Mickey Rooney going to die?)

Not in Oprah's Book Club

Evidently Sebastian Bach wrote a book. (Bug)

Dumb Jerks

This guy can't tip or do math. Whats worse then a jerk? A dumb jerk. (Bug)

Living Wage

I feel like a nincompoop for whining about this, but this is my (our) blog and some of it is whining. I worked 16.5 hours today. 8 hours @ $10 and 9 hours at $3.50 plus $60 in tips. Thats a grand total of 17 hours work at $10.44 an hour. Fuck life. (Bug)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I had to have my Jeep towed to the mechanic today. Radiator problems. The guy in the pic got it loaded in under 5 minutes!

Why can't I get stuff done like that? I tried cleaning the house for a couple of hours today. I didn't get much done because I was too busy rockin' out to Napalm Death. (See previous post.) (LC)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

HOA meetings

I went to our annual Homeowner's Association meeting tonight. Some of my neighbors I might talk to twice a year. Everytime is 100% awkward. DIE YUPPIE SCUM!

(I want to BE this band.) (LC)

Sunday, October 30, 2011


My job doesn't have plastic bags. Just paper. I know it's Portland and it rains a lot here, so a plastic bag would be nice sometimes, but paper is what we got and that's just how it is. It's kind of a political thing here in Portland, for stores to go plastic-bagless. My store rocked the paper bag thing long before it became hip around here, though. I'm pretty sure it's not for any political reason, I think we just get a good deal on them or something, and the owners always watch the bottom line. We're in a recession right now, and record stores are feelin' it too, so sometimes ya gotta go the less expensive route. Even with bags.

Anyway, sometimes we get customers at my store that seem to find it personally offensive that we don't have plastic bags. Sheesh. Tough crowd to please. They're probably the same folks who changed french fries to freedom fries. Remember a while back to when, for a short time, we sang "I'm Proud To Be An American" instead of the national anthem at events? Fanatics. Seriously, just be grateful that I offered you a bag for FREE. (LC)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Head, the band.

So I really like this band Head. They're from Seattle and only play a few times a year. They've been around since 1990. Thats like 22 years. Heres a song, or kind of two:

Well anyway, back when myspace was really happening, I used to write them letters of endearment, they never responded, kinda shitty. Here is a few:

Dear Head, Yeah as usual its been awhile, I'm sorry, but I have an urgent message! I cant find my CD case to your compilation disc. It really bums me out because it evidently had rare picture of Touch on a bicycle. Not that I would try and sell it for a large profit, but because next time I go to Las Vegas, I was going to take it to that pawn shop on the tv series Pawn Stars and ask Chumly how much that rare photo is worth. Believe me though, I wouldnt actually sell it. Speaking of bicycles, I recently acquirred one and have been cruising up and around the Boise streets. Do you still take your bikes out for assualting the streets? Well, I guess I should wrap this up, have a great Turkey Day!

Dear Head, Oh man it's late. Do you guys stay up late on like Fridays and Saturdays? actually it's funny, it's so late, technically it's Sunday!

Dear Head,
It's been awhile since I have been to your myspace page, I am sorry if you've been holding your breath since my last post. If you hold your breath for too long you could pass out, so be careful. Anyway, last year was a bit rough for me, in Idaho we had what was called a recession. Recently we elected a new president and evidently he comes from a very rich family and has decided to donate some money er, something like that, so we wont be in a recession anymore. Do you guys ever write songs about presidents?

Hey Head, recently I've had a lot of girl problems. I hear about girls all the time in your songs. Do you guys ever touch a real live one? seems like it would be weird like an episode of Star Trek. What do you think of the new movie? Where's Bones?

Hey guys, I can't help but notice you've brought the amazing ShamWow! to the attention of hard rockers around the world. My brother, though not a hard rocker, recieved the above mentioned item in a gift this Christmas. Hey, funny thing about Christmas; since you guys live a little closer to the North Pole, would it be fair to assume that "the big guy" gets to your place a little earlier then down here in Boise? I assume he travels North to South, like birds do.
It's probably a good thing he can avoid the I-5 traffic jams!!

Dear Head, It's about time for lunch, but I've been drinking a lot of coffee all morning, maybe I'll have breakfast for lunch. You guys ever do that?

Dear Head, can you believe its been almost 6 months since my last visit to the Head website? Wow. This last weekend was Labor Day and boy was I busy. I ate 3 boxes of cereal and watched RAMBO 3. RAMBO is this movie about this big guy who kills all these other guys.
If you have a weak stomach don't watch this film, some parts were gross, though I still ate all of the cereal! Have you guys ever heard of RAMBO?

Hey guys, it's been a few since I dropped by. Boise is starting to warm up, but my girlfriends grass is still pretty brown, well you know where this is going... time to rake. BTW(by the way), I noticed that some of you have nicknames, thats cool, some of my friends have nicknames too.
Funny coincidence huh?

Hey Dudes, today a co-worker brought in some ham he had from a left over holiday feast. I thought it was great that he shared with us. It's kinda like how you guys just put out that new CD, youre sharing. How about I send you some of this ham in trade for a copy of that CD? Do you ever do any kind of trading like that?

South of the Border Flavor

Its an interesting thing, my taste for Nachos. I eat them all the time, yet I cant stand spicey menu items. Jalapenos arent for me, I can barely stand Ketchup. Too hot. I don't think I could ever live in Mexico. (Bug)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween II

Since we're on the topic, there was a deal for Halloween candy at Safeway the other night. Buy 4 $2.50 bags of candy bars for $2.00 each. Of course, I grabbed 4 to get the deal. The lady at the check-out asked me if I was expecting a lot of trick-or-treaters. I replied with, "My kid's got a party." The thing is, I don't have a kid. I just didn't want to tell her they were all for me. That's none of her business. (LC)


I kinda wish I could go trick or treating. I highly enjoy candy. I'm getting all dressed up this year as this guy:


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Tis the season for flu shots

unless you're in my neighborhood, where it's the season for shingles shots.

More info on shingles here:

Movie #31

Movie #31-The Lost Boys:The Tribe(2008)-It's a lot better than The Thirst but no where near as good as the original.

31 horror movies in October. Done. (LC)

Movies 27, 28, 29 & 30

#27-Deadtime Stories:Vol 1(2011)-Low budget anthology hosted by Romero. I've seen better.
#28-Creature(1984)-Sci-Fi horror. I had a hard time paying attention.
#29-The Washingtonians(2007)-Lame. Don't watch this.
#30-Phantasm II(1988)-Pretty darn good. On par with the 1st one. I highly recommend both.(LC)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

found in the produce dept at Safeway

Be a REAL man. Don't be embarrassed to buy rubbers. (LC)

Things I miss a lot #1

The Far Side. (LC)

Movies 23, 24, 25 & 26

#23-Sometimes They Come Back(1991)-Really really boring. I don't recommend it.
#24-The Ward(2011)-It's a horror version of Girl Interrupted. Cute girls, dumb movie. John Carpenter directed it, and I'm a little disappointed.
#25-Hellraiser IV:Bloodline(1996)-Not as good as the 1st 3, but the best movie I watched tonight.
#26-Ed Gein:The Butcher of Plainfield(2007)-The title role was played by Kane Hodder. Those who know anything about this stuff would see the problem right there. Gein was a lazy-eyed little man. Hodder, the dude who played Jason in most of the Friday the 13ths, is a mountain. How can you trust a movie that's supposed to be based on a true story when they can't get the main character right? THUMBS DOWN.

My review for Netflix Streaming service: It doesn't have very many good horror movies that I haven't already seen.(LC)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Sorry to be so negative but...

...what makes Wilco so special? I think they are dull. Same with Pavement. Modest Mouse can eat my shorts. The Shins and Decemberists? Lame. I know they play different music, but Pink Martini? More like Stink Fartini. Tis the season for crappy music? Nay. I heard a really cool band today called Blasfemador. I think they're from South America somewhere. They rip. (LC)

old becomes new again

Well, not as old anyway. I jammed Jane's Addiction-Ritual de lo Habitual at work tonight. It didn't sound as tired as it used to, and I really enjoyed it. Sure, it sounds dated, but not as dated as this video looks:

(Warner Bros. won't let me embed the video. You know, 1%er b.s.)

I guess there comes a time when you can finally go back and listen to those tired and overplayed albums and listen to them with fresh ears. If it sounds great finally after all this time, (you know, past nostalgia and all that bullcrap), then maybe that's the criteria for great music. For me, Appetite For Destruction falls under this. It sounds even better to me now. Get what I'm saying?(LC)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

I hate it when people...

...don't use their turn signals while driving. It just seems lazy. That's it. (LC)


Its been hard for me to get to the World Wide Web lately, sometimes its harder to access than you think. The superhighway doesnt run near my house, but it does always run through my dreams. (Bug)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Movies 21 & 22

Pandorum(20090-Pretty good Sci-Fi scary movie. A little hard to follow at times, though.

The Damned Thing(2006)-It was alright. Kinda boring. It has scene where a dude takes a hammer to his own face. That was a bit hard to watch.

On another note, the new Amebix album exceeds all my expectations. I think it's really good! (LC)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Dorkin' with Duff McKagan

In case you didn't know this, the tall dude in the pic played bass on the greatest Hard Rock album ever made. His autobiography recently came out, It's So Easy, and he spoke at Powell's Books for a short while then answered a few questions, mostly stupid (like what do you think of "Chinese Democracy"?... C'mon.)

(My co-worker bro Justin Drabek, is the other short hairy dude.)

He gave a great answer to another stupid question. Question: What advice do you have for starving artists in Portland looking for inspiration? Answer: It's about telling the truth, right?

Duff seems really cool, and in touch with today's great rock bands. He loves Ghost and Red Fang. Me too! He's 10x cooler than Dave Mustaine. Mustaine just sat at a table and signed books. No pictures allowed. Duff's book was 10 bucks cheaper than Mustaine's, too. McKagan>Mustaine. (LC)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Movie #19

The Fly(1986)-Gnarly flick! It was my first time watching this one. Well done! Bravo!(LC)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

What do Russian kids do for fun?


Movie # 18

Trick 'r Treat(2007)-It wasn't scary and it felt safe. It was fun and I enjoyed it, but it wasn't what I was hoping for. I bet tweens put this movie on at slumber parties. Fulci's "Zombie"(or "Zombie 2" for those in the know), was what we watched when I was a tween. Classic underwater zombie vs. tiger shark scene... Anyway, The werewolf scene was pretty rad. (LC)

Balls Of Steel

Nothing on tv in the U.S. comes close to how great this U.K. show is. This clip is only a small portion of it's awesomeness. (LC)

I mean it makes sense.

Coming correct B! (Bug)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011

Human Waste

Today I sat on the toilet for like 15 minutes and when I finished I had taken the tiniest dump ever. I was like "Sheesh, whats the purpose?" (Bug)


My best friend made this CD for me a couple of years back. Just played it today for the first time in forever. It's pretty good. (Bug)

Movie #17

Burnt Offerings(1976)-It about a haunted house. It has scary music. (LC)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Movie #16

Wilderness(2006)-Not very scary, but a gnarly flick indeed. A bunch of delinquent Irish kids shunned to an island with killer german shepherds and and a moving bush with a crossbow. It's twisted and bloody. Thumbs up from me. (LC)

Movie #15

The Descent 2(2009). It was just a sick as the first one. Badass. One of the better movies I have watched so far this month. (LC)


I watched a movie called Hesher last night. It had the guy with glasses from that TV show The Office. I hate that TV show. Why are the cameras all shaky? They need new cameramen. I hate Steve Carrell too. What a dumb show. (Bug)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


The Enslaved concert killed! Before the band started playing, I overheard a conversation pitting Lord of the Rings characters against X-Men. Interesting concept...for dorks. Also, "What would Gandalf be like if he took LSD?" Great stuff. Lets headbang! (LC)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011



Bob Ross remembered

Not only was this man a great painter and teacher, he was (and still is), an amazing inspiration in helping make those "big decisions": "Where is your mountain in your world?" (LC)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

You know it's true...

...Milli Vanilli had really great songs no matter who made them. (LC)

Lunch break

I went over to Club 21 for lunch today. Club 21 is a bar that my co-workers kept telling me to go to and try their "amazing" burgers. It was full of 1950s greaser poser types. I got in line at the bar behind one of these greasers and waited patiently. After this poser grabbed his drinks, he turned to me and kinda got in my face and said, "I'm not done." I was kind of taken aback and responded with, "Well, okay then." I think he was afraid that I'd cut in and steal his drinks. Anyway, after pondering the interaction for a moment, I really should have responded with, "Hey 1950s greaser poser dude, I'm a late 1960s Vietnam Vet poser dude. If you ever talk to me that way again I'll cut your ear off." I could have then flipped over a table and ducked. Anyway, for your information, I ordered a burger with fries and a diet coke. I ordered, ate, and was back at work in under 30 minutes. The food was okay, but the burger was very salty. I can still feel it in my chest. Very underwhelming. (LC)