Monday, December 12, 2011

Xmas Shopping

People are really such pigs. I went to the mall to get some gifts yesterday. Its not that I hate gifts, its that I hate the overabundance of gifts. A few are nice and especially to those who have been good to you, its a nice gesture, but c'mon people.



  1. I'm with you, man. X-mas shopping is discouraging.

  2. It starts at a young age. I am, appalled at the greed surrounding Xmas... And frankly coming from a big family I hate the inadvertent competition to see who out does who. They aren't getting a lump of coal, they aren't getting extravagant useless gadgets... They are getting cards. Well except for my mom. our 5 yr old is getting smaller-smart gifts like books and music CDs. Done.
