Tuesday, December 16, 2014


As a member of Facebook, I follow a lot of things.  I am also a member of a few groups.  One group is Vinyl Addiction.  People post stuff about records.  You get it.  Anyway, Mark posted this earlier:

Well, I thought about it.  Tough question.  I read the thread.  Some people gave authentic answers and some people were smartasses (as expected).   Then I got to about the 70th comment:

Yep.  Ryan's answer sums it up for me.  (LC)

Kansas critique

I have yet to publicly or officially criticize Wichita since we have moved here.  We moved here in August, f.y.i.  Okay, here is what I have to say:  Wichita does not seem like a very safe place to go for a walk. (LC)

Dumb sayings

I think it's funny when someone says, "Do yourself a favor and (do whatever they say is doing yourself a favor)".  Like that person knows that I would be doing myself a favor by doing what they say I should be doing.  Dumb.  I prefer something like, "You should check this out.  I think you might like it."  I would prefer it even more if the reason why I would like it was stated, too.  I don't know... It's just a lot better than someone telling me to "Do yourself a favor."   I just can't take it seriously.  I think I can determine my favors myself, thank you. (LC)


I had McDonald's for lunch and Taco Bell for dinner.  How old am I?  Will I ever learn?  Good thing I'll be home all day tomorrow. (LC)

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Performance Art

Drag queens seem to be all the rage these days.  Wymans is all about them.  She loves Rupaul's show and gossips with her like-minded friends about it.  Honestly, it's not really my thing.  I think it's great that this art is finally being widely accepted, though.  Equality for gender and sexuality, yay!... I tried watching the show, but like "Seinfeld" and "Friends", I just couldn't make it through a whole episode.  It just doesn't captivate my interest, I guess. I prefer to watch fights. (Maybe if there was some type of drag queen fight show...) KY LOVES it though, and that's great... Come to think of it, I think I could do drag if the money was right.  Well, maybe not.  I could do the wig, make-up, dress, and heels.  I could probably even sashay. I would be okay with it.  I just don't think I could pull off "The Tuck". (LC)

Monday, November 24, 2014


I would probably have to give the greatest of all time at wall-busting entrances title to Kool-Aid Man.  That one is easy.  Who's second best, though?  Lets say KAM died, who would then be the best at bustin' through bricks?  It would be a hell of a fun contest to find out.  I have a few potential contenders:  The Thing from Fantastic Four, The Terminator, Pink Floyd, Ronda Rousey, Ferris Beuller(???), Chewbacca, and The Toxic Avenger.  I really wanted to include The Ultimate Warrior and Macho Man.  Sadly, they are no longer with us, R.I.P.  Who else should be in on this? (LC)

Saturday, November 1, 2014


The other day I was contemplating the subject of New Jersey musicians.  I got to thinking about that Bon Jovi song "Livin' On A Prayer".  I thought about the lyrics, and then it dawned me that the song could just as well have been written by Springteen. "Tommy used to work on the docks.  Union's been on strike, He's down on his luck...It's tough, so tough..."  You know how it goes. Totally The Boss's style.  Now hear it in his voice... "Whoa, we're half way there.  Whoa, livin' on a prayer.  Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear. Whoa, livin' on a prayer..."  Take my word.  It works.  Kinda like "Born To Run".  I guess I'll see if I can keep this thing going... (LC)

Friday, October 17, 2014


Sorry it's been a while.  I've been considering retiring and moving to Thailand. Phuket.  I'm not sure how my compadre in this endeavor feels... I might continue adding the few and far between bits of wisdom as they come to me. Bartles & James, man. (LC)

Saturday, May 31, 2014


I wish pocket-pool wasn't so obvious. (LC)


I've been a fan of Conan for a while now.  I got to thinking the other day about how much I don't have in common with him, except that we're both barbarians.  CROM...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Album Review

The new Eyehategod came out on Tuesday.  The album is called "Eyehategod".  1st new album in 14 years.  Their drummer died not too long ago.  They have a different dude playing with them now, I guess... Anyway, I think the album is pretty good.  I felt tough listening to it while I stood in the rain this morning waiting for a bus that didn't show up.  A lot of buses drove past, just not mine. (LC)


Alexander Skarsgard is a very attractive and charismatic man.  I can't seem to take my eyes off him whether it's True Blood, Generation Kill, or a Lady Gaga video.  Google him if you don't know who he is.  The man has a presence... that doesn't mean I want him to kiss me or pinch my butt.  I'm just sayin'. (LC)

New Band Name

New band name: "The Big Stink".  I'm willing to part with it for 10 bucks. (LC)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Radio sells music

I was listening to my old friend/co-worker/roomie B-RUSH during his radio show for Radio Boise online (google it).  His vocal delivery is really cool.  Anyway, he played some great tunes.  I ended up buying some music that he played right afterward.  I picked up Agalloch-The Serpent & the Sphere (see review), Floor-Oblation, Swans-To Be Kind.  All 3 are great!  Maybe I'll write more reviews later.  These are bands I already like, but hadn't heard their new albums.  B-RUSH reminded me to pick them up.  Props. (LC)

Junior High

I can't remember if I've posted this yet.  When I was in 8th grade, I had this poster on my wall:
I thought it was badass, but my mom didn't.  I wish I still had it.  (LC)

Album review

Agalloch-The Serpent & the Sphere just came out and sounds a lot like the rest of their stuff.  You should hear it because it sounds pretty darn good.  It would be a good idea to pay for it if you decide to pick it up.  (LC)


KY's mom bought me a couple of plaid shirts a few days ago.  I don't know.  Maybe she doesn't like how I dress.  Anyway, they're nice, they fit well, and I'm very grateful for them.  I put one on for work the other day and I said to KY that I looked like an Emo throwback.  Then I put on my zip-up hoodie and said that "Now I really look Emo."  You know whay KY said?  She said: "You look like a f#@&ing dork."  Hrmm.  I guess I should appreciate her honesty.  On a similar note, oh boy did Emo take a turn in fashion.  Plaid shirts and dorky glasses to eyeliner and goth crap?  Kinda strange. (LC)


I can't almost stand it when someone says: "Educate yourself."  Who is this person telling me to educate myself?  Technically, I'm educated.  I have a college degree, kinda.   Am I supposed to educate myself on what they think I should educate myself about?  Why do I have to do it? Why can he or she just do it?  Tell me about it, give me some literature. Know what I mean?  And frankly, what if I just don't care?  I could go all day on this so I'll make this short. I think telling someone to "educate yourself" is rude, disrespectful, lazy, condescending, and ignorant.

The Grinch

You know, I've grown to be annoyed by little kids (or anyone for that matter),  drawing on the sidewalk.  I mean, it doesn't belong to them. (LC)


Today is a winner.  I didn't lose my piece of paper with my notes for this blog. (LC)


I think it's silly when dudes dress up as "sexy" women for Halloween.  I have hard time taking them seriously.  (LC)

A little self-reflection

I am a locust.  Metaphorically speaking.  Not like the band.  And not like Kafka. That would be metamorphically speaking.  And rather, a beetle.  Not a beatle. (LC)

Just the facts

So, I was told today that Uranus is a "gas giant".  Ok, tell me something I don't already know. (Oh snap!). (LC)


I hate that that part of interviews where the interviewer says: "Tell about yourself."  I have decided that from now on I will respond with:  "I'm an accident that already happened."  They can take that however they want.  I plan to take it to the bank. (LC)

Science Fact.

Light.  It travels very, very fast. (LC)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


I came up with a whole list of new insights while at work today.  I intended on posting them on this blog here.  I wrote them down and stuck the paper in my back pocket.  The paper is gone. I lost it somewhere.  It probably fell out during my bus ride home.  Now, some joker picking up litter probably read it and did one of 2 things: #1. the joker could have said to himself (assuming that it's a dude picking up litter): "This is dumb." Then threw it away.  #2. the joker said:  "Wow!  This stuff is great!" Then went and posted it on his blog.  I don't really believe in fate, but you lose this time.  Sorry.  (LC)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Fight Review

So Floyd "Money" Mayweather fought Marcos Maidana last night.  Not knowing too much about Maidana (other than ko'ing Adrien Broner, which was a big deal.  seriously),  I was pretty sure Money was going to walk away with this one.  C'mon, he went into this one with a record of 45-0.  That's right.  No losses.  What was Maidana gonna bring that the pound-for-pound king wouldn't be able to handle?...Well, Floyd is now 46-0.  But DAYUM, did Maidana bring it last night.  He made sure Floyd had to fight rather than dodging punches and connecting a jab that he's been doing a lot as of late.  It was a great fight and I hope it happens again.  Now, Mayweather's walkouts are generally an entertaining spectacle.  He had the usual walkout people with him.  He had his cornermen, Lil Wayne, and (I think, but not 100%) Bieber.  This time though, he had a bunch of circus performers, as well.  You know, there were jugglers and dancers and all that b.s.  It was entertaining.  Here's a quick pick of Money and crew:
Here's the thing:  That is definitely Lil Wayne, but I can't tell if that's the real Bieber or one of those girl impersonators.  I guess that's a popular thing now.  (For the record, I have no problem with that whatsoever.)  Bieber has walked out with Money in the past, I know that.  I just couldn't tell if that was really him last night.  That is all.
Anyway, the rest of the main card was good.  All went the distance.  The guys that were supposed to win, won.  I like that kid Amir Khan, even though he's kind of a dirty fighter.  Broner got back on the winning track. During the in-ring post-fight interview, Broner declared that he is a CAN fighter.  He's an "AfriCAN who just beat the f@*! out of a MexiCAN" (yeah, real classy).  Well, you gotta do something to draw attention these days, even if it comes across seeming explicitly racist.  Oh well, Progress: 1 step forward, 2 steps back...Love won his fight against someone I can't remember his name (google it).  Love almost got knocked the F out, but came back and took control.  Well, there's my review.  Oh, I guess there was a riot at MGM after that.  Many claim they heard gun shots... I hate to admit it, but I can't wait for the next Floyd Money Mayweather fight.


I just saw an advertisement for Hershey Spreads.  Is that like having the Hershey Squirts except you've been sitting in it?...Ew, GROSS! (LC)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

About Me

I get irritated easily. (LC)

Weather post

I used to like it when the weather's nice.  I think I'm over it now.  Everyone goes outside when it's nice.  People get in the way of each other, doin' their own thang, steppin' out in front of moving vehicles.  Someone goes a little overboard on the pot brownies.  The firetrucks show up.  Then the ambulances show up.  Then the cops show up.  Now nobody is having a good time.  Here's some advice for when the weather's nice:  Stay home.  You'll just get in the way.  I wish I could say that I like it when it's rainy because there's less people standing in the middle of the sidewalk.  yes, there are less people.  But then the umbrellas come out.  I hate umbrellas.  Umbrellas are a huge waste of space.  Very intrusive on the non-umbrella users.  They cover 3 times the space the umbrella-user actually needs.  Then umbrella users decide to walk side by side, which takes up a large amount sidewalk real estate and become very hard to maneuver around.  Every time it rains, I almost lose an eye because umbrella-users are oblivious.  I get so mad, I could swear.  Here's some more advice:  Buy a raincoat with a hood.  What?  It'll mess up your hair?  Simple.  Buy a comb. I'm out. (LC)


You wanna know why I don't wear tight pants?  'Cause the last thing this world needs is another fat man in tight pants. (LC)

Monday, April 21, 2014

I never...

I have not seen that one show called "The O.C."  Any good? (LC)

Sunday, April 20, 2014


This one time, I was talking to a dude and I mentioned that I had never played Dungeons and Dragons, but I would like to try it. He told me that Dungeons and Dragons was for dorks. Not too much later, I found out he was a big fan of Insane Clown Posse. I know for a fact that he has donned clown paint more than once. 15 years later, I still have yet to play a single game of Dungeons and Dragons. BOOYAH.(LC)

Candy Review

After years of looking, I finally found some more:
It has been a while. You still taste terrible, but for some reason, I can finally appreciate your nuances. Maybe I've grown into it. It's old-timer candy. (LC)

Thursday, April 17, 2014


What if Yoda is Kermit the Frog's great-uncle. I mean, they're both green...they both have a hand up their ass... Sorry, just riffin'. (LC)

Since we're on the subject...

Me and a buddy of mine got thinking about the AMC shows and how some of them have a debriefing talk show after each episode. You know how there was a "Talking Bad" that aired after each episode of "Breaking Bad". And there's "Talking Dead" for "The Walking Dead". My buddy and I were wondering why there isn't one of those shows for "Game Of Arms". It could be "Talking Arms". I don't know. Maybe that show isn't popular enough. But what about "Mad Men"? That is one of the most popular shows for the network. Why don't they have a talk show called "Talking Men"? just wondering. (LC)

T.V. show review

"Game Of Arms" is a new show on AMC. It's about arm wrestling. I can't put my finger on what I really like about it because sometimes the show can be a little over the top. I guess you have to hand it to the production team for telling a gripping story. It gets a thumbs-up from me. (LC)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A great weekend for fights

It's no secret that I enjoy watching combat sports, and I was a pig in shit last weekend.   Here are some of the highlights:

Big Country KO'd Big Nog out stiff at the UFC in Abu Dhabi on Friday morning.

It was a good win for Roy Nelson. I'm a fan of both guys, so it was sad to see a legend like Antonio Rodrigo Minotauro Nogueira get knocked out like that. I think it may be time he hangs the gloves up...
Like another legend Vladimir Matyushenko did Friday night after getting submitted by an unlikely Joey Beltran on the Bellator card. Matyushenko left his gloves in the cage. "The Janitor" is 43 years old and looked every bit of it Friday night. For as slow as he looked, I scored rounds 1 & 2 for him, though. Round 3 was when he appeared to run out of gas and Beltran choked him for the tap. That wouldn't have happened even 2 years ago, so it was time.

Glory Kickboxing was on Saturday night. Tyrone Spong, the man who many consider the pound-for-pound best kickboxer...well, until Saturday night, wrapped his shin around Gokhan Saki's knee. That was a bummer. I guess he won't be kicking again for a while...
It's almost exactly what happened Anderson Silva back in December when his kick was checked by Chris Weidman's knee. Shins are not supposed to bend like that. On a side note: that kick check with the knee technique has been dubbed "The Destruction" by Weidman's trainer Ray Longo. Well, "The Destruction" is very effective.
Probably the best fight of the weekend was the Manny Pacquiao/Timothy Bradley rematch. It was a great 12-round bout that had Pacquiao get the unanimous decision.
PacMan may owe a lot to his mother, though. People have said she may have cast a hex on Bradley during the match. I won't speculate, so check it out for yourself. This was my favorite part of the weekend: (LC)

Squatch Hunting

I've been thinking about Squatchin' a lot lately. I'm thinking that going Squatchin could land you behind bars in a big way. Hunting endangered species is a felony offense, and you're not going to tell theses pups ain't endangered. Clearly they are cause nobody can find one. Therefore these TV shows that glorify the hunting should be outlawed. You don't see an A&E show about Rhino hunting do ya?


Monday, April 14, 2014


The Universe is massive.  Think about it.  Not for too long, though.  You could end up wasting a whole bunch of time.  Unless you're someone like Stephen Hawking or Neil Degrasse Tyson. (LC)


You know how there are different methods of learning like: by example, or demonstration, or going to school?  Well, I learn by making mistakes.  So I'll save you some trouble.  Don't say things to me like: "Don't make the same mistake I did." or: "Don't make the mistake of...(whatever)".  Because I will. (LC)

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Real Genius

I recently found out that the creator of the personal computer had a Dial-A-Joke telephone line in the early 80s.  That is, Steve Wozniak had a phone number you could call and hear a joke.  Google it. I couldn't find any recordings of his jokes, but he does have a joke book you can buy here.  I'm guessing from the one review that his jokes are pretty terrible...That make me like him even more!  Wozniak > Jobs. (LC)

The Ultimate Warrior is officially dead...

...and that really. bums. me out.  He was on Monday Night RAW just last night.  I watched it.  He cut a classic Ultimate Warrior promo in the ring (which he walked to with a noticeable limp).  He shook the ropes just like old times.  Warrior was inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame before Wrestlemania 30 last weekend.  He gave a good speech.  Unfortunately for everyone, I think he had a lot more to say than he did.  Now we won't ever get that autobiography.  Bummer.  That would be a book I would like to read.  I'm not the wrestling fan that I used to be.  A lot of that has to do with the quality in today's wrestlers.  Warrior wasn't necessarily old school, because wrestling goes back well before he got started.  He was a huge part of the era that had the largest impression on me, though. Here are my top 5: 1. Hulk Hogan 2. Macho Man 3. Roddy Piper 4. The Ultimate Warrior 5. Mick Foley Anyway, here's the promo Warrior cut for Wrestlemania VI (here). Warrior won the belt from Hogan after playing the most glorious game of Mercy. You should google that match. One of the greatest of all time. (LC)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


I've been doing a little reading up on Heaven's Gate.  They made some sick websites.  Look it up.  Not to be too distasteful here but those purple nikes are SAWEEEET!  I'm also thinking about maybe getting a purple snuggie.  KY's birthday is coming up soon.  Maybe I'll ask her for one. (LC)

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Monday, March 10, 2014


I do not train Jiu Jitsu, but I did a little wrestling in high school. Like most things, I wasn't very good at it.  I think I understand this guy's sentiment, though.  Watch closely for the puke: (LC)

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Music Stands

Nice music stands dorks.


Craigslist Free Section

If anyone needs a container to hold one of their kids, here's a listing for one. Plenty of room for probably even a teenager if they are smaller. Not sure what to do with the 2 things on the right.



Craigslist Free Section (Hints)

I'm going to try to throw out some good finds that maybe wont work for me, but perhaps I can pass on the savings to you. Act fast, because who knows how long gems like this will last.



Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I'm pretty much a metalhead and a rock fan. I'm a sucker for Trance, too, though. It's kinda funny, because I'm not a big fan of "House" techno music. I don't know much about trance, but it gives me a weird feeling inside when I hear it. I think the theme song for Downton Abbey could be made into a sweet trance remix. That's my opinion on the subject.  Mauricio "Shogun" Rua used to walkout to this song before he fought:(LC)

Monday, March 3, 2014

choice body art

I watched Smealinho Rama fight on t.v. the other night.  He showed potential in a decision win.  I couldn't help but notice the portrait of Iron Mike on his stomach.  Now I'm a pretty big fan of Mike Tyson.  I think the man has done a lot to try redeem himself of all the crazy/bad things he did in his past.  I watched his Vegas show on HBO a couple months back.  He told a bunch of stories from his past.  The documentary, "Tyson" is really worth watching, too.  You have to remember that Tyson used to completely wreck great fighters in seconds when he was coming up.  Ali might have been the greatest, in and out of the ring.  He didn't ruin scary dudes like Tyson in his prime, though.  You gotta remember, too, that Tyson was almost always the much smaller fighter than his opponents. He had amazing footwork.  Anyway, why did Rama choose to get a tattoo of Tyson's face post-facial tattoo/ear-bite/baby-eating/and rape conviction?  Is it because he admires the man that Tyson is trying to be now?  Personally, If I was a fighter, and I thought I had to have a Mike Tyson portrait on my stomach, I would probably get a younger version when he was turning grown-ass men's lights off.  On the other hand, Rama is only 21 years old.  Older Tyson is scarier-looking, anyway.  Sorry for the long post.  Here's a jam from Condor:


Sunday, March 2, 2014


I watched a lot of Star Wars this weekend.  I made an acute observation while spending some quality time with the material.  In Star Wars (#4 for those who don't call it Star Wars),  Luke Skywalker gets dragged underwater by the Death Star's trash monster.  He escapes it's grasp.  In Empire Strikes Back, R2D2 is swallowed by a swamp monster but spit out.  In Return of the Jedi, Boba Fett gets swallowed by the Sarlacc in the deserts of Tatooine.  (The rumor is that he escaped sometime after the movie finished.)  Anyway, I'm not sure what this means, but it's probably sexual.  I just wanted to point it out.  Here's Cloven Hoof:


lifestyle choices

You know why I don't smoke weed?  So I can brag about being the only person in Portland that isn't stoned.  On another note, we're moving to Wichita this summer. (don't play it, I'm already sick of that White Stripes song.) Wymans got a new gig there starting in August.  So long Potland...I mean Potholeland!  Here's Chinawite:


Saturday, March 1, 2014

Life Choices

I have a hard time understanding why someone would put a tattoo directly on their face...well, unless they killed somebody.  Here's a classic from Obituary: (LC)


I got a lot of crap to do this weekend but Star Wars is on.  Here's "The Taker" by Chevy:


Friday, February 28, 2014

TV Show Review

I'm hooked on "Downton Abbey". That show is great. Season 4 just ended. Well, maybe I'm reading into things too much, and I hope I'm wrong. I do not want Mary and Tom to hook up. I know that Season 4 kind of led watchers to think differently. I hope it continues that way. Mary and Tom getting together is way too easy for the writers of the show. Don't get me wrong, Mary and Tom are great together as a team taking care of the estate. The got chemistry, but like sister and brother, even though they are only by marriage and maybe even not anymore by death. I'm sure that I am in the minority here. I'm sure it's what all the single ladies over the age of 30 that spend more time staying in than going out want. I think it would result in the show ending prematurely in a disastrous vortex that will tarnish the show's legacy. You know how nobody had anything good to say about "Lost" after that show ended? That show was pretty great until the dumb end. Yeah, that's how people will react eventually if Mary and Tom hook up. I got this song stuck in my head: (LC)

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Personal Preferences

Honestly, I don't think cigarettes are all that sexy...yoga on the other hand...I guess it depends on who's teaching the class...here's Chelsea: (LC)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Album Review

I bought the new Carcass album back in December.  I finally listened to it last week.  I think I've played it all the way through probably 8 times now.  It's pretty darn good.  My good buddy AK says it's as if "Swansong" never happened...what's it been, 17 years since their last album?  AK and I are in talks of seeing Carcass in March.  The new album is called "Surgical Steel".  I'm sure they looked at medical books for this one, too.  I give it a thumbs up. I love seeing old legends like Bill Steer and Jeff Walker killing it again.  Check out this cut: (LC)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Stances on things

Sorry, I don't know where you're coming from.  Here's Chaos Horde: (LC)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Current Events

It was great to see The Hulkster on Monday Night RAW earlier tonight.  Looking forward to his future endeavors as he returns to WWF...er, WWE.  Check out this song by a foreign band called Chaos UK:


Harold Ramis R.I.P.

Harold Ramis's death is a real bummer.  He starred in a personal Top 10 movie.  Ghostbusters, man. (There should be another Mt. Rushmore with the faces of the 4 ghostbusters.) He co-wrote so many other favs, in particularly Animal House.  I don't know if he ever got the credit he deserved from the casual movie fan.  If there is one thing to remember him for is that Mr. Ramis knew how to make great/the best comedy...There was a guy that used to come in to EM and look through the DVDs that looked just like Ramis, except he was a little slow.  He used to always put dirty movies on hold...I guess I could go on and bum-out over everyone's death here, but I am not going to..."Let's say this twinkie represents all of the psycho kenetic energy in the New York area. According to this morning's sample it will be a twinkie, 35 feet long and weighing approximately 600 pounds..."so good...anyway, like any good technological determinist would say: (LC)

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Food situation

There should be a snack called a "Humdinger". You know, like a candy bar or something. So, I was thinking about this took the initiative to google it. Apparently, there is a restaurant called "Humdingers" and a kettle corn brand called "Humdinger Kettle Korn". That's close, but what I'm saying is that there should be a snack specifically called a Humdinger. That is all. Listen to this song by Cain: (LC)

Spatial Dilemmas

It rains a lot in Portland.  I'm sure everyone knows that already.  PDXers have recently gotten some flack for the claim that true Portlanders don't use umbrellas.  The thing is that a lot of people here use umbrellas.  I, for one, side with the claim, though.  Umbrellas may have a practical purpose, and some people find them fashionable or cute.  I think they take up way too much space.  Ever walk on a sidewalk and someone holding an umbrella walks past you? If the sidewalk isn't wide enough that thing could take out your eye if you don't duck.  If 2 people with umbrellas walk side by side, then you could be up shit creek.  Ever get stuck behind an umbrella-holder going into the building?  The umbrella-holder stops, shakes it off, and closes it while you have to wait on that clueless mf.  Get my drift?  Well, that's how I feel about umbrellas. Here's Bushido: (LC)

Man issues

Why do some dudes spit their gum out in the urinal?  It doesn't flush like pee does.  Someone has to pick it up. Albeit, that person probably gets paid, but that person gets paid the same anyway, whether there's gum in the urinal or not.  Just seems like a dick thing to do...that all I'm sayin'.  There's usually a trash reasonably close.  Why not spit the gum out there?...And since we're on the subject, how about flushing, too.  Don't just leave it, expecting the next dude to do it for you.  I understand that flushing spreads germs, but dude, there's probably a sink with soap 3 steps away.  Washing hands is an excellent method to keep germs from spreading.  I sure hope you're washing your hands after holding your willie during your piss.  You could be spreading your germs on the door handle on your way out. And if you don't want my germs, then I don't want your germs. (I usually leave the men's room with a paper towel that I throw away in a trash receptacle afterward anyway, but that's beside the point.)  All this kind of reminds me of the free-market capitalist system.  You know, reaping the benefits but not willing to share the burden...anyway, just sayin'.  Here's a tune from Bulbous Creation:


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Awkward situations

1st thing, sorry for the neglect. It's already mid-February and this is the 1st post of the year. My office job moved to a new location in downtown Portland about a month ago. It's nice. I have an actual cubicle and a nameplate, now. I also have a place to hang my coat. There are plenty of food options nearby and I don't mind taking the bus. One complaint I have though, is the men's room has a timed motion-sensor light in it. Maybe you know what I'm getting at, maybe you don't. Well, it's happened to me twice now. Have you ever tried wiping your butt in pitch black after a real time-consuming growler? It's not as easy as you might think. I mean, you gotta know if you're good. The sensor won't pick up what's going on in the stall. I tried waving my arms. No way would I get up and walk out of the stall with unfinished business. Good thing I had my cell phone. Another situational use. (the phone light.) I guess I'm lucky that no one has came in yet to catch me shittin' in the dark. I'll leave you with a jam by Buffalo:(LC)