Sunday, February 23, 2014

Man issues

Why do some dudes spit their gum out in the urinal?  It doesn't flush like pee does.  Someone has to pick it up. Albeit, that person probably gets paid, but that person gets paid the same anyway, whether there's gum in the urinal or not.  Just seems like a dick thing to do...that all I'm sayin'.  There's usually a trash reasonably close.  Why not spit the gum out there?...And since we're on the subject, how about flushing, too.  Don't just leave it, expecting the next dude to do it for you.  I understand that flushing spreads germs, but dude, there's probably a sink with soap 3 steps away.  Washing hands is an excellent method to keep germs from spreading.  I sure hope you're washing your hands after holding your willie during your piss.  You could be spreading your germs on the door handle on your way out. And if you don't want my germs, then I don't want your germs. (I usually leave the men's room with a paper towel that I throw away in a trash receptacle afterward anyway, but that's beside the point.)  All this kind of reminds me of the free-market capitalist system.  You know, reaping the benefits but not willing to share the burden...anyway, just sayin'.  Here's a tune from Bulbous Creation:


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