Saturday, December 31, 2011

Friday, December 30, 2011

Random texts received

Here are a couple of texts I've received from a number I don't recognize:

At first I thought I might have accidentally sent a photo to the wrong number. Then I got this one from another number yesterday:

I'm not sure who karl is. It's not one of my aliases. I'm not ready to text these people back and tell them they got the wrong number. I kinda hope they send more. Know what I mean? (LC)

p.s. kudos to the second texter for the use of "Godspeed". I guess you can call me karl if you have to.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

I imagine there's some truth to this ad.



Whoa!!I'm impressed! I saw this and the previous vid on (LC)


Have you seen this?

This answers a lot of questions,...and raises a whole bunch of new ones. There are plenty of documented stories out there about killer whales eating white sharks, but the way the whale toyed with it and carried the shark around in its mouth like a dog that caught a rabbit or something, the way it showed off it's catch to the boat...This is a Great White Shark, JAWS, the terror of the deep, the reason we don't go in the water. The killer whale made GWS it's beotch. Don't be fooled by it's sweet demeanor. The Orca, like the Polar Bear(and Texas), is not to be messed with.

I feel a little cheated that the video didn't show "the kill". It's a gnarly story, though. (LC)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I rang up some DVDs for a guy last night. He complained about something a coworker said. I'm not sure what the coworker said. The customer commented that people should be careful about what they say. "You never know who could be listening. I used to kill people for the government." Then he walked out. Was that a threat? (LC)

Monday, December 26, 2011

X-mas gifts

I got this cool tin full of candy for x-mas. The candy is gone, and now I have this cool but empty tin that I don't know what to do with. It would be awesome for drugs and paraphernalia. Unfortunately, I don't do drugs. Any suggestions? (LC)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy holidays!

Do you think these guys are having a merry christmas?

Have fun with your XBox. (LC)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


The Melvins are pretty much the best.


Music celebs

There's a guy who regularly comes in to my work and buys a bunch of used punk 7"s. Pretty normal, quiet dude. I always thought he was cool because he bought a bunch of 7"s. He came in tonight and shopped around. Earlier in the evening, a woman came in looking for 7 Year Bitch, Mia Zapata and The Gits. I had planned on playing Dangerous Toys as my next pick on the store's stereo, but put on L7 instead. The 7" dude came up to make his purchase. He asked if this was L7, then said that the main person that band, Donita Sparks, has a new band. They opened for his band in New York but they were terrible. I asked him what his band is. "Mudhoney", he replied. Whoa! I was taken aback a little. I know Mudhoney were never "huge" or anything. Nor have they ever been a band I followed much, but they've always been one I've had a lot of respect for. The dude is Steve Turner . His peers and fellow bandmates while growing up, went on to form the highly sucessful crappy grunge band Pearl Jam. He didn't because he said "screw it. I don't want to be like crappy like that" (I'm 100% positive those weren't his actual words. I made that up, but I think it means the same). This guy always is dressed in work clothes and has a scruffy beard, always kinda quiet. He always buys cheap-ass punk 7"s. He's probably the most unassuming "rock star" out there. I'm impressed.

Monday, December 19, 2011


No, I'm not going to hate on bikes. The current bicycle craze is a pretty good thing, I guess. 3 bikers rode past my car as I climbed into it after work tonight. It was very dark and none of them had lights. (That's very very very bad). They flipped a u-turn in the middle of a busy street, right in front of a fast moving vehicle. I rolled down my window and yelled, "Get some lights!"
One of the dudes yelled back, "Yeah, okay. Right." You know that tone: don't tell me what to do because you don't know a damn thing, dad? Yeah, that snot-nosed bratty freshly-turned "I just turned 21 and can go to bars now, so I'm the shit" tone. That tone pisses me off like like none other. I HATE the over-privileged attitudes a lot of the Portland young adults have. That, and their crappy haircuts. And poor bicycle ettiquete... Anyway, I fumed over it a bit. After I drove about 10 blocks, I noticed I didn't have my headlights on. Yes, stupid but true. (LC)

p.s. 200th post!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

My Music for 2011

I got to play with amazing people this year, thank you. I still feel like I could die if I didnt have this outlet.

Trigger Itch; James, Herg, and Andy.
Strings and Chemicals; Shaun, Todd, Brian and Justin
Torn Anus; Matt
Gordie Howe Trio Unit; Shane, RL, Clapp, and AA
Thomas Paul

Also thanks to the people who came over to my house to play music with me just for fun; Conrad, Luke, Meatpants, and Schug.

Cartoons and Video Games

I know I'm in the minority here, but unless you're under 13 I just don't get it. Though to be honest I was never really into them even before 13. I had better things to do I guess. (Bug)

Friday, December 16, 2011

Heavy Metal movie

I'm normally not into cartoons but this movie is fantastic, and has great soundtrack! The title track may be Sammy Hagar's best.

I always wondered why Stevie Nicks made it on here, though...and Donald Fagan for that matter. Neither are heavy or metal. I can let Cheap Trick slide, and even Devo. What Journey lacked in sound, they made up for with album covers...actually not a whole lot of metal on this one. Anyway, It still kicks butt. (LC)

In case you missed it.

Having one of those days? Click here.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The weather right now feels grim.

It's like I'm watching the movie "The Road", but it's out my window and cold inside. (LC)


I just tried watching a movie the critics liked. I almost made it 10 minutes. The critics should really like movies such as "The Legend of Billy Jean", "Vision Quest", or "Heartbreak Ridge". These are flicks I can get behind. (LC)


So the last week of October I went in and co-hosted my pals radio show on Boise's local radio station, KRBX, 'High, Wild and Free'. It was a lot of fun. When I went down I brought 19 of the records I've played music on, I know that's a lot, but that's only half of them. I gave them to the music director at the station with a detailed note and notes on each record. I also included my email and phone number if they had any questions about any of the releases.

Some of the records were very rare and dear to me, and I only had one copy, so I put on the notes that I'd like to get them back in a few months, but if they liked any one record in particular that I would see about finding it, to actually give them a copy of their own.

I notified about 7 of my favorite DJ's via facebook and text and email to the fact that I was excited to get some of my records played and they were at the studio. After all, the station touts itself as Boise's real local station, so I thought they would be happy about having not one, not two, but 19 new local releases.

I carefully watched each of my favorite DJ's play lists logged on their website A few weeks went by and zero plays on ANY of the records.

I tweeted to the site asking about my records, I received a stock tweet back, "Thanks for your donation to the station, it may take time for your records to be in rotation."

Now 6 weeks after delivering the records to the station not one has yet to be played. I've noticed that many other local bands have had their releases played that have been dropped off later, much later and played many more times than even one of the 19 that I brought down. I wonder how those other bands immediately got their records into "rotation" yet mine, all 19 collect dust?

When KRBX started I was wondering why my records weren't getting played, after all I've got a ton out there. Then I thought, maybe its my fault and they just don't have my records. Nope. That's fine, maybe they just don't like my kind of music, but I tried.

At the end of the day, I just want my records back. I tried participating in community radio. Any plays that they might garner at this point would be "pity plays" and I don't want that. I emailed the station and said that I'd like to get my records back. That was 4 days ago, no response as of yet. (Bug)

Woody's Time

I work at a bar called Woody's. The fax machine says its January 3rd and the calendar in the office says its October. Who runs this place anyway? (Bug)


 A coworker asked me to be in a football pool today. I'm 37 and couldnt tell you what a First Down is, means or represents. I have ZERO clue what the difference between a Full Back and a Tight End is, though one makes me giggle a little more then the other. I've never had a favorite team or town. I dont even care about superbowl or BSU, my home team. I just don't care, I've got more important things in my life to worry about I guess. Sorry, I dont mean to be a hater. (Bug)

Here's a tip:

If you are applying for federal financial aid and you are required to take the Complete Entrance Counseling Quiz, all of the answers are either "true" or "all of the above". I hope this helps all of you future college students. (LC)


We had our carpet at work clean today from 11pm to 4am. I was lucky enough to get to be there to assist the cleaners. They were 2 macho-looking dudes. I asked them what would they like to listen to while they worked. (This is a record store, you know). So the dude in charge said: "Got any 80s?" So I put on a compilation of hits from the 80s.

The CD played for a bit, then the dude came up to me and asked, "Got any Abba?" I grab Abba Gold.

After that one finished I checked with him and he said,"How about Michael Jackson?"
I ask him:"Early or late?"
"Early." I put on Thriller.

When that one finished I went and grabbed Prince-Purple Rain with even checking with him. I looked at him and he gave me a thumbs-up.

I had a good time hangin' with the carpet cleaners. I would do it all over again, if asked. (LC)

Once in a lifetime

K.Y. and I watched our awesome Toyota Yaris hit 60,000 miles. It had 12 when we got it 4 years ago. Not a bad little ride. Thumbs up from me. (LC)

My neighborhood

I live in St. Johns. It's the most northern residential neighborhood in Portland. There's St. Johns, then a bunch of industrial parks and docks on both the Willamette and Columbia rivers. Lots of trucks go by. St. Johns used to be its own little town before it was annexed as part of the city. At first look, it still has a small town feel to it. There's an old movie theater, some shops with old signs, and gem of a diner called Patti's Home Plate (I'm not really a fan). It's cute and quaint and a little charming, but don't be fooled. St. Johns is a dump. There's all kinds of riff raff who like to dump our trash out in the middle of the night, and walk out into traffic, and deal drugs at the bus stop. People believe in this neighborhood, though. People keep trying to fix it up, and have community activites. I've seen one place change businesses 3 times in the 4 years I've lived here. Drunks are in the Bluebird before Noon. My jeep was broken into and my crappy Alpine stereo from 1996 was stolen 2 summers ago. Anyway, my advice to newcomers to St. Johns that are falling for it's "charm": You can't polish a turd. (LC)

Yet another Dr. appt.

I met with a new doctor yesterday. Wymans was with me, as always. (I think she comes with me just to make sure I go.) Anyway, we were talking about exercise. the doc looks over at Wymans then looks back at me and says: "Looks like mamma knows how to cook!"
We laughed. How else do you respond to that? (LC)


I will always change the station when Collective Soul comes on. That's just me. (LC)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


A customer corrected me at work the other day. We were talking money.

Him: It costs me about a hundred bucks to fill up my truck.

Me: Yeah, gas prices are pretty crazy.

Him: My truck don't use gas. It's diesel.

Pardon me. (LC)

Monday, December 12, 2011


When I went to the dentist a few weeks ago, they recommended that I use an electric toothbrush. I finally got one. You know, something doesn't feel quite right when I put that thing in my mouth. (LC)


So I spent the night with my kid at my parents house. They have two bathrooms. Between the two bathrooms I've counted eight blow dryers. Thats some dry shit going on over here. This girl doesnt live here, but if she did, she'd have some fluffy ass hair.


Sonic Avenues

One of my favorite pop groups this winter is Sonic Avenues. They have a brand new album out on Dirtnap Records in January. They are from French Canada. Heres my favorite song, both on record then live. What do you think?

Xmas Shopping

People are really such pigs. I went to the mall to get some gifts yesterday. Its not that I hate gifts, its that I hate the overabundance of gifts. A few are nice and especially to those who have been good to you, its a nice gesture, but c'mon people.


Music sites

I don't think I would download from this site. Not because I'm afraid of illegal downloading or anything like that. The girl is even pretty cute. I just don't think they would have anything I'd be interested in. Just a hunch. (LC)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The truth is,

I probably don't like you. If I don't know you, then I probably wouldn't like you if I did. Do you like me? Probably not. If you don't know me, would you like me if you knew me? Most likely not. (LC)

The Beatles

I'm not sure which Beatles I like better: the younger version with a sense of humor
or the older, more serious version
. (LC)

2 dr. appointments last Friday.

I had 2 doctor appointments on Friday. (Luckily, I have pretty good insurance.) One was for my shoulder and the other was for my hernia. I broke my shoulder more than 10 years ago and it's given me trouble ever since. I finally had some new x-rays taken. Gotta wait and see... The hernia appointment was something else altogether. I got my goods inspected intimately and thoroughly, twice, by 2 different doctors. The 2nd doc, with one hand cupping my manhood, noticed the tattoo on my leg and had to take in Sean Wyatt's handiwork. I was sweating bullets. Anyway, the 1st doc thought he felt something, but the 2nd didn't. Not for a lack of effort. sheesh. We had a long discussion about possibilities, afterward. We decided that we should wait on surgery until something proves to be more evident. In the meantime, after a long day on my feet and lifting the occasional 50lb box full of records, I'm feeling like this:

I'm sure those in the know, know what I'm talking about. I really want to get back to feeling like this:

Anyway, I have return visit scheduled in 3 months. Anyone moving or need someone to carry any heavy boxes? If I'm to be groped like that again, I want it to be fruitful, not efforts futile. Man, I feel like a wimp. I have Kaiser to thank for the handy and informative pamphlet that provided the helpful illustrations used in this post. Again, I apologize for such a long blog post. (LC)

Badass or Bad Attitude?


Since we're kind of on the subject still...

...who ever thought this would still be around? HOMEPAGE

Great advice


I haven't watched it yet,

but I just want to make sure you know it's available. Click HERE.

It's logical.

To not return your shopping cart to a proper shopping cart disposal location, but leave it in the parking lot is nothing but laziness. (LC)


I've never scored a touchdown in any football game that mattered. Straight up truth. (LC)


No one wants to hear about how you're really doing. From here on out, whenever someone asks, I'll just say, "I'm having the best day of my life! Never been better."


Katy Perry

My daughter likes Katy Perry. I tell ya, I kinda like her too, just in a different way than an 8 year old girl likes her.


I just found out the other day that Wymans hates this band.


It's too tough for me to pick a favorite singer, and it would be too easy to go with Hank or Keith. So here's some with Dez. The greatest punk band ever, in my book anyway. A bit of a stretch? Probably. I don't care! (LC)

Badass or Bad Attitude?


Friday, December 9, 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011


I wasted the whole evening trying to get my internet to work. Got a new modem, and called the cable company. I yelled at my dogs, too. That must have done the trick because it works now. Nothing to blog about at the moment, though. (LC)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

This makes me happy.

click here.

I love food.

Here's the thing: Man, I love to eat, but I settle for pizza way too much. Know what I'm talking about? (LC)

Burnt out.

I know it's impossible, but sometimes I feel like I've checked out everything worth while on the internet. I need to find some new websites to look at. (LC)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Human Honey Badger



Its my birthday today. I'm not gonna cry about anything. Thats said, it wouldnt hurt you to buy me a present or something. How about follow the blog. Meh. Maybe next year.. (Bug)


You can always tell who has the day off by driving behind them. (LC)

OCCUPY Everyday Music

This sign was stuck to a phone pole across the street from my work:

We suspect it was a dude who claimed he forgot his a Kiss box set here after we made an offer too low for it. To cut a long story short, the dude went to the glass case where we keep some box sets, saw a Kiss box set and said it was his. We didn't give it to him. We have documented proof (dates and signatures) that it isn't his. The dude got mad and said he would stand outside our store and protest. Shucks. People were camping downtown in protest and all we got was a dumb cardboard sign.

Just to set the record straight: Everyday Music does not "steel" from people who bring their crappy, scratched-up, Garth Brooks CDs (that most likely skip, and were pulled out of a dumpster). Everyday Music pays for that trash and takes a loss. We will make an offer on just about any CD, DVD, Blu-Ray, VHS, LP, cassette, and 8-track (no burned cds, dvds, or copied cassettes)(all must have cases and artwork). It probably won't be for very much, though. A lot of this garbage will never sell. The company has a whole warehouse full of it. People get mad when we pay then a nickel for a VHS copy of E.T. then price it at 2 bucks. That's just business, honey. We'll pay you to give us your trash.

My rant is done. I apologize for the long post.

p.s. Everyday Music is having a box set sale starting on Wednesday through the weekend. 25% off used box sets! (LC)


Las Vegas seems like a great place for a football game, among other things. I've never had a bad time there. (LC)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Album Review

I finally listened to LULU today. It seems to me that these guys are getting a lot of undeserved hate. (LC)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

My top 10 favorite albums from 2011

Obviously, I haven't heard everything that came out this year, and I realize that I could change my opinion about anything at anytime. Lists are kinda arbitrary anyway. That being said, here's my list:
1. Craft-Void
2. Amebix-Sonic Mass
3. Brutal Truth-End Time
4. Anaal Nathrakh-Passion
5. Lifelover-Sjukdom
6.Today Is The Day-Pain Is A Warning
7. Loss-Despond
8. Tombs-Path Of Tonality
9. Taake-Noregs-Vaapen
10. Noisear-Subvert the Dominant Paradigm

I have a few questions.

Why do some people slap the crosswalk button multiple times? Is that supposed to make the light change faster? Does it work? I mean, it doesn't really seem to. The people who do it just look stupid. I usually just push it once. Maybe twice if I feel that the electronics didn't get it, to be safe. If slapping the button multiple times does make the light change faster, then I'll start doing it too. Know what I mean? (LC)


I'm THAT jerk today. (LC)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Did you see the 26lb gummy bear?

$149 if you're thinking about a holiday gift for me. Here!

Steve Jobs' legacy.

Some dude shot this with iphone in his 20ft dingy.

Pretty sweet. I would like to have seen some teeth in the video, though. That's my only criticism. (LC)


I hate acoustic guitars. Except maybe Willie Nelsons. End of story. (Bug)

PDX taxi drivers are terrible.

It's gotta be a requirement for the job to suck at driving. I wish I had the vocabulary to expound more. (LC)