Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Monday, November 28, 2011


Dudes who smoke cigars in real life don't seem nearly as tough as dudes who smoke cigars in movies. (LC)

Other people's problems

A neighbor couple, who live a few units down, complained that they had a mouse in their condo. They said it's a problem all of us need to address. The thing is, I don't have a mouse problem. I have a neighbor problem. (LC)


Hippies love to argue. (LC)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Badass or Bad Attitude?


Who would win?


Quarter Spot

These pants that I'm wearing today are notorious for showing the quarter spot. Almost every time.

Show Review

I went to a house show last night. It was at a place called Grammas House. The house was old and filled with kids in their early 20's. Lots of kids wear funny hats these days. Ironically I wore a funny yellow hat. It wasn't so funny when I noticed 17 other funny hats. The sound system was terrible, it squawked and squealed between every song, and that's not necessarily a bad thing, but if you wanted to hear the vocals, too bad.

Pig Noose played, they sound like grindcore and grunge. People really got into it. Oilslave played next and was quieter, its just guitar and drums, no singing or bass. They sound like grunge music too. Sword of A Bad Speller played last. They were kinda hippy kids (funny hats too). They sang and rapped over Third Eye Blind songs. I got bored and left. (Bug)


I drive a Jeep Liberty. Its a real nice car. Heated leather seats, shiny black, real sporty and fun except that its got some sort of glitch in the computer. It's been broke for about a year and a half. Its been a real pain in the you know what to get fixed. I've dumped a lot of moo la into trying to get it fixed but it seems nothing is working. Oh yeah it gets bad gas mileage, about 18. I'm really bummin' on it now. (Bug)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Personalized license plates

are nothing but vanity. (LC)

I went to the dentist on Tuesday.

The dentist highly recommended that I start flossing. I haven't flossed since then. I'm wondering if I should get a second opinion. (LC)

I finally finished Duff's book.

It was a good read. The guy seems genuinely sincere. Thumbs up.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday

Black Friday is like a little Record Store Day. Some exclusive items are only sold on this day at record stores. It's a good way to get people in on the biggest shopping day of the year. It's crazy how much people freak out about this stuff. Our hours are 9am-11pm every day of the year and that's exactly what we tell people when they ask. People were lining up outside our store at 8am this morning. We were all set to open by 8:45, and since people were lining up, we decided to open then. It seemed like the most customer-friendly thing to do. We didn't have too much of that exclusive stuff to begin with, at least not as much as other local stores. A few people showed up right at 9am and got really upset that we opened a few minutes early! It was our fault they didn't get the records they "needed" (that we probably didn't have to begin with). (Besides, we know their game. A lot of people try to sell the stuff on ebay.) It's just stuff.

You know, I admit that I like the things I have and I wish I had more. I don't mean to seem like I'm on high ground or anything. I was pretty disgusted, though (and kind of not surprised), when I heard about someone assaulting customers with pepper spray just to get a deal on an XBox. That stuff hurts! I also heard stories about people getting in fist fights over blu-rays or something, too. You'd think their kid needed a lung transplant or something. Ridiculous.

My livelihood depends on people shopping/consuming in my store. I understand that it's important for money to circulate for a healthy economy. I like to save a buck, too. It just seems people get a little too caught up in deals for stuff. I also think it's a real crime that people get rewarded for bad behavior.

I can't help but sense the irony that lame people fighting over Tickle Me Elmos, or whatever is the crappy overpriced toy their spoiled kid has to get for X-mas, were sitting around a table with family lying about what they're thankful for. Sorry for the long post. I got enough for 5 blog posts here. I could go on forever. I don't buy X-mas trees so don't give me any ornaments. I hope everyone's football team loses. (LC)

Things I miss a lot #3

Pickup seat cover jackets.

Anyone know where I can get one of these? (LC)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

I went to Walmart the other night,

and all I got was this crappy t-shirt:

After about 10 minutes, I felt that way about everyone there. Happy Thanksgiving. (LC)


Just because you have to read it, it doesn't mean it's good.(LC)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Olivia Newton-John

This guy came into the store tonight(technically yesterday):

He had a back pocket full of ballpoint pens. He asked if we had any Olivia Newton-John, then started singing something and waving his arms around. He walked away for a minute, then asked for some symphonic black metal. He mentioned it helps with one of his personalities. Yes, this person is real.
Here, my co-worker Metal Matt put together a more detailed picture of this guy:

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A man came into the store tonight...

...with a parrot on his shoulder. I bought 33 45s from him for a buck. He then told me about an old Beatles record he used to have that was white vinyl. If he still had it, he would sell it for it for no less than $100. Any one on the street would pay him at least that. He said some shady relatives took it after his father/mother/some relative died. He finally left. He had parrot crap all over his back. No lie. (LC)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Another day off spent at the dr.

It's always awkward getting a hernia checked out. It's just a little bit more awkward when it's a female doctor messing with your nuts and your wife is in the room. She had a good sense of humor, though. The doctor, that is. That and fixing a burnt out tail light is how I spent this day off. It could have been worse. I could have wasted it searching for secret glory holes...Anyway, I got my flu shot. (LC)


This last summer I went a whole month without drinking a glass of water. It was kind of a bet I made with myself just to see if I could do it. I did. When I look back at the year 2011 I can be proud of some of my accomplishments. Man, did I get sick that month. (Bug)

Serious questions

I was thinking earlier about this. Why is there no "E" grade you can get in school? You can get an A,B,C,D, then it completely skips E and goes to F. It's not because it's a vowel since A is a vowel. Similarly, when and why did people start referring to going to the bathroom as going #1 and going #2? Is it because 2 rhymes with poo? I'm 36 years old and these are the questions keeping me up at night. (LC)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I'm not sure if I'd buy a car from this guy.

I still like Cannibal Corpse better. (LC)

Celeb lookalikes

I'm interested in your thoughts. (LC)

Coke Rewards Points

I've been saving my Coke Rewards points for a while now. I just got a 1-year subscription to 2 different magazines! Unfortunately, neither are the mag I really want a subscription for:

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I think I have an abscess in my mouth. In fact I think I probably have several. One day my face will fall apart. That sucks. (Bug)

Weekend of Doom recap

We had the Weekend of Doom here in Boise this last week. It was pretty rad. $15 bucks for 12 bands, 3 shows. Pretty worth it, that's slightly over a buck for some tunes. Microbabies, Thrones, Hull and Kowloon Walled City were my favorites. The flier looks pretty scary too. Sometimes it can be said I like questionable music, this is a good instance. (Bug)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Badass or Bad Attitude?


Les Schwab

It's no secret that I'm a fan of Les Schwab. I took my flat tire there today right after work. The fixed it, replaced the spare with it, and put the spare in in its proper spot in my jeep in under 30 minutes...FOR FREE! Les Schwab's customer service is the very best. You can't find better anywhere. Way better than Red Lobster. I proudly recommend them. (LC)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Fried turkey

I'm not sure why, but I'm watching a infomercial for the Butterball Turkey Frier right now. (Yes, I watch a lot of tv.) I don't think I've ever had fried turkey, but it looks really good. I'm kind of afraid I would get addicted and die if I try it, though. You know, like what they told us about crack in high school health class...but it looks so good! Is this how stoners feel when they look at High Times?...what am I thinking? I could work on the southern accent but my hair isn't anywhere big enough for a turkey frier. If you're bored and have the spare time then check out this infomercial. Or not.(LC)


I noticed one of the rear tires on my Jeep was flat when we got home this afternoon. I got out my sweet hydraulic jack and pulled out the spare. My wrench turned out to be the wrong size. Luckily, we have AAA. The representative was very friendly and knowledgeable. Being somewhat manly, and not too proud, I asked him a few questions and he gave me some pointers. He was quick and thorough. Thumbs up from me! I will fill out the survey card with great comments and drop it in the mail. Did I mention it was a complimentary (free) service just for being a member? I highly recommend spending a little bit to get such a great service.

On a side note, while waiting for AAA to show up, some dude walked past me on his way to the corner bar. (Sketchy place.) I yawned as soon as he walked past. He must have cut one, because when I inhaled it stunk BAD.(LC)

False Advertising

Chicks on Walmart commercials are actually pretty good looking, unlike when I go there. (Bug)

Performance Enhancing Drugs for TV

Ya know, it might be in bad taste, but if I were on that show Amazing Race, I'd try to find a way to cheat. (Bug)

Yesterday was a great day in history.

They're cracking down on pedophiles coaching football. Sorry, I don't mean to make light of it. I did watch the pity party at the stadium before the game. I'm glad Penn State lost. Too many jerks knew and let it carry on. To me, that's failure. Seriously, though. Can you believe a riot broke out at Penn State in support of that dude? Those guys need a reality check. Ok, I'm off it.(LC)

Hate is a strong word.

I prefer being called a don't-liker. (LC)

Pet Peeves

I have a lot of pet peeves. One is when you're driving on a road that has multiple lanes, and someone cuts in front of you from the furthest lane to get to an exit at the last possible second. Did I describe it good enough? Anyway, it seems like they just aren't planning ahead. Not to toot my own horn, but I get in the proper exit lane fairly early. (LC)

McDonald's Coffee vs. Burger King's Coffee

I have to go with Burger King's coffee. It tastes like a better roast. (LC)

cool names for bands.

The Cold Shoulder
Apex Predator
Ransom Note
Horde Executioner
Duck Hunt.
(I'm sure I'll think of more). (LC)

p.s. sorry about all the posts today. I was away from my computer for a couple days and got a little backed up.


I'm glad beards are back in style. I'm tired of looking at so many stupid faces.(LC)

Occupy Portland

The protesters were kicked out of the park downtown today.
Just great.
I guess they'll be back to occupy St.John's.(LC)


I normally don't like these things. They hog the road, especially on Portland's narrow streets. One of these would have been nice on the windy drive home today, though.

My awesome Yaris felt like a ping pong ball.(LC)

TCU 36 BSU 35


Is the taco party still on?



We won't have another one for a long time.
I listen to Metal everyday. (LC)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

100th Post

Yeah I missed it. I typed up several things, a few different days, but in the end, I didnt hit the PUBLISH POST button. I wanted something exciting and couldnt step up to the plate. Thats called self editing. My teeth hurt. (Bug)

Great advice

rules to live by. (LC)

Things I miss a lot #2

Button fly.

I guess I always felt a little sexier than when I wore zip flys.

The difference between me and you is:

You party like you got something to prove. I party like I already got it.

Let me rephrase this:

You party like there is no tomorrow. Well, I AM tomorrow, son.

Not that I mean any of this. It's just something to consider when they're doing kegstands at the barbeque.

on a side note, this blog has exceeded my expectations. This is our 100th post. Sorry Bug, I got tired of waiting. (LC)

Sunday, November 6, 2011


When you see a big shiny SUV moving, you can almost be certain that the driver is on the phone. (LC)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

An inspiration gone

He told it how he saw it. I respect that. R.I.P. Andy Rooney. At least I will miss you. (LC)
(p.s. When is Mickey Rooney going to die?)

Not in Oprah's Book Club

Evidently Sebastian Bach wrote a book. (Bug)

Dumb Jerks

This guy can't tip or do math. Whats worse then a jerk? A dumb jerk. (Bug)

Living Wage

I feel like a nincompoop for whining about this, but this is my (our) blog and some of it is whining. I worked 16.5 hours today. 8 hours @ $10 and 9 hours at $3.50 plus $60 in tips. Thats a grand total of 17 hours work at $10.44 an hour. Fuck life. (Bug)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I had to have my Jeep towed to the mechanic today. Radiator problems. The guy in the pic got it loaded in under 5 minutes!

Why can't I get stuff done like that? I tried cleaning the house for a couple of hours today. I didn't get much done because I was too busy rockin' out to Napalm Death. (See previous post.) (LC)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

HOA meetings

I went to our annual Homeowner's Association meeting tonight. Some of my neighbors I might talk to twice a year. Everytime is 100% awkward. DIE YUPPIE SCUM!

(I want to BE this band.) (LC)