Saturday, June 30, 2012

Friday, June 29, 2012

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Money well spent

So much entertainment in this little newspaper! It even has a game on the back! (LC)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I see something different every time I go grocery shopping at Winco: Have you seen this before? Do you know what it is? I mean, I know you're supposed to drink it... (LC)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Wymans got to experience a rare occurence. She was kind enough to share it with me through photography. (LC)

Monday, June 25, 2012


A penny slot game, 2nd spin. I cashed out. Fifty bucks, man! (LC)

Sunday, June 24, 2012


This guy has really bad meth-teeth. He was a nice dude, though. He had a hard time understanding why I wouldn't buy what was left of his Korn CD. I don't know if he used it to buff his car or what. I wouldn't stick it in my CD player, let's put it that way. Sorry about the blurry photo. He moved too fast for me to get a good snap. Must be the drugs. (LC)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I don't know a whole lot about this guy. He comes in frequently to check in on his consignment. He is kinda strange. Apparently, he made a hip hop album that got a review in a magazine. I can't remember his name, though. I assume his eyesight isn't very good. That's about it. (LC)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My vacation

I saw a lot of SIIICK bands on my vacation. Here are some photos. Sorry about the quality :( Ceremonial Castings: Weapon: Stonehaven: Pile Of Maggot-Infested Viscera: Laengthengurth: Back to work tomorrow. (LC)

Monday, June 18, 2012


I've taken a series of photos with the camera built into my phone, of customers at the record store I work at. Some are regulars, some I've never seen before. I think they all are interesting specimens. I apologize for the quality of many of the photos. Some of them were taken when I was in stealth mode, therefore they may not be as clear as they could be. This guy didn't speak at all. Not even after he was asked if he needed help. He he seemed as if he looked through us... (LC)

Sunday, June 17, 2012


I hate it when a friend drags you in when it concerns another person and romance. I hate it when said friend talks about said other person as if they shared something or felt something from a look. I hate that because it usually ruins a good time between the two of us. I don't mean it ruins anything romantically, I mean the rest of the time shared is wasted on the friend continuously talking about how they "felt" something when the other person looked at them. I used to think I was being a good friend by hearing them out and trying to figure out how they could hook up. I realize now that the best advice for the friend is to get over it. "What you felt is fake. It's the devil lying to you. The devil is distracting you from focusing on the good time we're supposed to be having. Here, drink this." (No. I didn't just give my friend a roofie.) (LC)


My niece goes to those hookah bars and smokes grape flavored shit. What the hell is that shit anyway? She goes like at midnight and dances and smokes. She's 19. One time the hookah fell over and burned her leg. She got a gnarly scar from it. (Bug)

Neurolux Message Board

I used to talk a lot of trash on that message board, now I don't. Kinda feel like I dropped the ball with being a internet bully.(Bug)

Fathers Day

I went riding the hog with my old man for fathers day. Sure did notice a lot of Dixie flags in Owyhee County. (Bug)

Saturday, June 16, 2012


For some reason this struck me as another unusual item found at WINCO. It probably tastes pretty good. (LC)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

T.V. Show Review

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Mad Men is the best show on t.v. (LC)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

In case you need to see it...

Here is Old Dirty Bastard's F.B.I. file. All 95 pages of it.


Celebrity sighting!

The main dude from Agalloch came into the store last night. I thought he was when I rang him up for his purchase. I wasn't 100%, so I looked him up right afterward on the store's computer. I totally would have hooked him up! darn. If you're unfamiliar with Agalloch, they're one of THEE COOLEST in Metal right now. I likes 'em a lot. They're based here in Portland, but they don't play here all that often. Here's a whole concert you can watch if you want: Here's an interiew with the band: I just gave out a bunch of crap for free that doesn't belong to me, so if you do like the band, please buy their stuff. Anyway, the dude was completely un-rockstarish when he made his purchase. He he came across shy, no eye contact, and nerdy. It's funny because I was having a total metal dork moment. I was wearing my Neurosis cap, a Hummingbird Of Death t-shirt, we were playing Black Sabbath in the store and talking about Razorback record label with my co-worker, when the dude walked up. Total dork moment in front of a metal genius, who turns out to be a total dork, too. He bought the new Rush album on CD and vinyl, and he bought a used DVD copy of that cartoon movie, "Wizards". You know, that cartoon movie by the same guy who made that other cartoon movie "Heavy Metal". Now that I think about it, the dude kinda looks like Geddy Lee...sorry for the long post. (LC)

Cops, man.

Tonight was an interesting night. A guy robbed a bank then held up an entire Fred Meyer. I got pulled over for a "defective" tail light. The light works, it's just defective. I could have ask the officer if he had something better to do, but I already knew he did. Like they say, "They're never around when you really need them". (LC)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Blog Review

I like music blogs that post hard-to-find music. You know, stuff that you will most likely never ever come across if it wasn't posted on the blog. Lately, I've been digging on Terminal Escape
The guy who does it is from San Francisco, or something.  He posts punk rock cassette tapes.  A lot of them are demos.  Pretty much all of them are extremely limited.  If anything, this dude is putting together an incredible archive of music that is being saved from never being heard again.  If you like crappy recordings of DIY punk music, then I highly recommend you check it out.  He has put up a bunch of stuff from the 1980s, a lot of U.K. punk stuff, and some new stuff.  A lot of crap isn't from the U.S.  Anyway, just sayin'. (LC)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Mini Series Review

I just watched "Hatfields & McCoys". Those guys hated each other! As a matter of fact, they were real bastards to each other. (LC)

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Some days you just don't feel like putting on your inside shoes.  Some days the Land Of Make-Believe just doesn't cut it.  Some days you want to have a conversation with a real person about real issues, not to some stupid hand puppets with terrible voices.  Some days you want that dumb trolley to knock it the eff off.  Some days you wish that annoying cat would speak English.  And some days you don't want any damn neighbors.


Saturday, June 9, 2012


Like I said before, I really don't know much about Pugilism, but I try to keep up on the big fights. Bailey was clearly losing the fight to Jones by a pretty large margin. Bailey hardly threw anything the whole fight. He did get a knockdown on Jones late in round 10, but most of round 11 was Jones pushing the action. Bailey knocked him out in bloody fashion near the end of round 11. My favorite part was the post-fight interview, though. Start watching around 1:00 in... "That's my god's gift right there...he gave me know, my mom was a fighter, so, you know, this right here came natural..." His mom must hit HARD. Anyway, congratulations to Randall Bailey. At 37 years old, he is the new IBF Welterweight Champ. I'm all sucker for underdogs and the old guys... On another note, I became a fan of Tim Bradley Jr. tonight. The man fights with a lot of heart...still, he clearly lost that fight. It's probably the most tweeted statement of the night, but I have to agree...Pacquiao was robbed. Ok, 2 more and I'm done: How much do judges make? And, What kind of protection do these judges have? (hopefully something stronger than 10-year-old prophylactic.) (LC)

A Class Act!

"Big Country" is one cool dude.  The guy follows his own path and still knocks the snot out of jocks.  Here's a highlight reel:

This was his most recent handywork here
I wish I could find a video clip of what he said after he beat Kimbo Slice.  It was pretty darn funny. (LC)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Live Albums

 I can't say I'm a huge fan of live albums and I don't want to come across as a nancy or pretty boy, but Depeche Mode 101 is one of the best live albums ever made.  See for yourself.  Watch all 3 hours of the concert/documentary:
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="344" src="" width="459"></iframe> (LC)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Doctor review

In case you don't know me very well, I'm an accident-prone individual.  I injured my ribs a while back trying to change a fuse in the jeep.  I thought I just bruised them, but after about a week I continued to have complications.  KY took me to Urgent Care provided by my good ol' HMO.  We sat in the waiting room for about 2 hours.  Then we sat in the eyecare room for about another hour. (I'm guessing all the other rooms were in use).  The dude comes in all serious, he checks out my ribs, then asks me what you eat when you eat Uh, meat... him: Bingo!  He told me I tore a rib muscle and wrote me a prescription for A LOT of drugs, then he left.  I saw the guy for about 45 seconds. Seriously.  Short and sweet.  Apparently, this dude used to be one of those badass helicopter medics in the army.  I'm kinda glad he wasn't the one who checked my balls a while back.  I'm starting to feel better now, in case anyone is concerned.  Sorry for the long post.  Here's the dude:

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Wymans and I got married 6 years ago today. It was a Tuesday around 11am. Caesar's Palace, Las Vegas. The temperature was already over 100 degrees outside. Here's to another 6 years, baby. (LC)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

TV show review

Watch Mad Men. It's great. So is Game Of Thrones. How about Parcheesi?

Monday, June 4, 2012

My weekend

We had the annual family reunion this past weekend. I unloaded the car when we got home from it. I sat on the pot after that. Then I opened up a cold one and tried catching up on what I missed on the internet. 1/4 of the way through my second cold one I had to take another dump. After that, I thought to myself, "I might as well take a shower now." So I took a shower. Then I finished that cold one I left earlier and checked out more internet stuff. I had one more cold one and a burrito. I guess that would qualify as a double deuce day, right? What a weekend...(LC)

Movie Review

The Hunger Games (2012). I saw this movie a while back around when it came out. I saw it in the local movie house with Wymans. I remember the girl next to me in the packed theater cried through most of it. Not sure why. I didn't want to be rude to the other film-watchers by asking what was wrong. Let's see what I remember about the movie: It's a film about a girl named Cat-piss or something. She is really good at shooting crap with her bow and arrow. She shoots a bunch of kids to win an outdoor reality game show, and saves a boy she pretends to be in love with. It was okay, I guess, but pretty fake. (LC)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

I know it was a month ago, but still... gotta be a very good boxer to have this in your corner:
Do you think Bieber will visit him in jail this summer? Just wondering. (LC)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Back from a short Hiatus.

Sorry to keep people waiting. I'm thinking of buying a compound bow. Any suggestions? (LC)