My job doesn't have plastic bags. Just paper. I know it's Portland and it rains a lot here, so a plastic bag would be nice sometimes, but paper is what we got and that's just how it is. It's kind of a political thing here in Portland, for stores to go plastic-bagless. My store rocked the paper bag thing long before it became hip around here, though. I'm pretty sure it's not for any political reason, I think we just get a good deal on them or something, and the owners always watch the bottom line. We're in a recession right now, and record stores are feelin' it too, so sometimes ya gotta go the less expensive route. Even with bags.
Anyway, sometimes we get customers at my store that seem to find it personally offensive that we don't have plastic bags. Sheesh. Tough crowd to please. They're probably the same folks who changed french fries to freedom fries. Remember a while back to when, for a short time, we sang "I'm Proud To Be An American" instead of the national anthem at events? Fanatics. Seriously, just be grateful that I offered you a bag for FREE. (LC)

Sunday, October 30, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Head, the band.
So I really like this band Head. They're from Seattle and only play a few times a year. They've been around since 1990. Thats like 22 years. Heres a song, or kind of two:
Well anyway, back when myspace was really happening, I used to write them letters of endearment, they never responded, kinda shitty. Here is a few:
Dear Head, Yeah as usual its been awhile, I'm sorry, but I have an urgent message! I cant find my CD case to your compilation disc. It really bums me out because it evidently had rare picture of Touch on a bicycle. Not that I would try and sell it for a large profit, but because next time I go to Las Vegas, I was going to take it to that pawn shop on the tv series Pawn Stars and ask Chumly how much that rare photo is worth. Believe me though, I wouldnt actually sell it. Speaking of bicycles, I recently acquirred one and have been cruising up and around the Boise streets. Do you still take your bikes out for assualting the streets? Well, I guess I should wrap this up, have a great Turkey Day!
Dear Head, Oh man it's late. Do you guys stay up late on like Fridays and Saturdays? actually it's funny, it's so late, technically it's Sunday!
Dear Head,
It's been awhile since I have been to your myspace page, I am sorry if you've been holding your breath since my last post. If you hold your breath for too long you could pass out, so be careful. Anyway, last year was a bit rough for me, in Idaho we had what was called a recession. Recently we elected a new president and evidently he comes from a very rich family and has decided to donate some money er, something like that, so we wont be in a recession anymore. Do you guys ever write songs about presidents?
It's been awhile since I have been to your myspace page, I am sorry if you've been holding your breath since my last post. If you hold your breath for too long you could pass out, so be careful. Anyway, last year was a bit rough for me, in Idaho we had what was called a recession. Recently we elected a new president and evidently he comes from a very rich family and has decided to donate some money er, something like that, so we wont be in a recession anymore. Do you guys ever write songs about presidents?
Hey Head, recently I've had a lot of girl problems. I hear about girls all the time in your songs. Do you guys ever touch a real live one? seems like it would be weird like an episode of Star Trek. What do you think of the new movie? Where's Bones?
Hey guys, I can't help but notice you've brought the amazing ShamWow! to the attention of hard rockers around the world. My brother, though not a hard rocker, recieved the above mentioned item in a gift this Christmas. Hey, funny thing about Christmas; since you guys live a little closer to the North Pole, would it be fair to assume that "the big guy" gets to your place a little earlier then down here in Boise? I assume he travels North to South, like birds do.
It's probably a good thing he can avoid the I-5 traffic jams!!
It's probably a good thing he can avoid the I-5 traffic jams!!
Dear Head, It's about time for lunch, but I've been drinking a lot of coffee all morning, maybe I'll have breakfast for lunch. You guys ever do that?
Dear Head, can you believe its been almost 6 months since my last visit to the Head website? Wow. This last weekend was Labor Day and boy was I busy. I ate 3 boxes of cereal and watched RAMBO 3. RAMBO is this movie about this big guy who kills all these other guys.
If you have a weak stomach don't watch this film, some parts were gross, though I still ate all of the cereal! Have you guys ever heard of RAMBO?
If you have a weak stomach don't watch this film, some parts were gross, though I still ate all of the cereal! Have you guys ever heard of RAMBO?
Hey guys, it's been a few since I dropped by. Boise is starting to warm up, but my girlfriends grass is still pretty brown, well you know where this is going... time to rake. BTW(by the way), I noticed that some of you have nicknames, thats cool, some of my friends have nicknames too.
Funny coincidence huh?
Funny coincidence huh?
Hey Dudes, today a co-worker brought in some ham he had from a left over holiday feast. I thought it was great that he shared with us. It's kinda like how you guys just put out that new CD, youre sharing. How about I send you some of this ham in trade for a copy of that CD? Do you ever do any kind of trading like that?
South of the Border Flavor
Its an interesting thing, my taste for Nachos. I eat them all the time, yet I cant stand spicey menu items. Jalapenos arent for me, I can barely stand Ketchup. Too hot. I don't think I could ever live in Mexico. (Bug)
Friday, October 28, 2011
Halloween II
Since we're on the topic, there was a deal for Halloween candy at Safeway the other night. Buy 4 $2.50 bags of candy bars for $2.00 each. Of course, I grabbed 4 to get the deal. The lady at the check-out asked me if I was expecting a lot of trick-or-treaters. I replied with, "My kid's got a party." The thing is, I don't have a kid. I just didn't want to tell her they were all for me. That's none of her business. (LC)
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Tis the season for flu shots
unless you're in my neighborhood, where it's the season for shingles shots.

More info on shingles here:

More info on shingles here:
Movie #31
Movie #31-The Lost Boys:The Tribe(2008)-It's a lot better than The Thirst but no where near as good as the original.
31 horror movies in October. Done. (LC)
31 horror movies in October. Done. (LC)
Movies 27, 28, 29 & 30
#27-Deadtime Stories:Vol 1(2011)-Low budget anthology hosted by Romero. I've seen better.
#28-Creature(1984)-Sci-Fi horror. I had a hard time paying attention.
#29-The Washingtonians(2007)-Lame. Don't watch this.
#30-Phantasm II(1988)-Pretty darn good. On par with the 1st one. I highly recommend both.(LC)
#28-Creature(1984)-Sci-Fi horror. I had a hard time paying attention.
#29-The Washingtonians(2007)-Lame. Don't watch this.
#30-Phantasm II(1988)-Pretty darn good. On par with the 1st one. I highly recommend both.(LC)
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
found in the produce dept at Safeway
Movies 23, 24, 25 & 26
#23-Sometimes They Come Back(1991)-Really really boring. I don't recommend it.
#24-The Ward(2011)-It's a horror version of Girl Interrupted. Cute girls, dumb movie. John Carpenter directed it, and I'm a little disappointed.
#25-Hellraiser IV:Bloodline(1996)-Not as good as the 1st 3, but the best movie I watched tonight.
#26-Ed Gein:The Butcher of Plainfield(2007)-The title role was played by Kane Hodder. Those who know anything about this stuff would see the problem right there. Gein was a lazy-eyed little man. Hodder, the dude who played Jason in most of the Friday the 13ths, is a mountain. How can you trust a movie that's supposed to be based on a true story when they can't get the main character right? THUMBS DOWN.
My review for Netflix Streaming service: It doesn't have very many good horror movies that I haven't already seen.(LC)
#24-The Ward(2011)-It's a horror version of Girl Interrupted. Cute girls, dumb movie. John Carpenter directed it, and I'm a little disappointed.
#25-Hellraiser IV:Bloodline(1996)-Not as good as the 1st 3, but the best movie I watched tonight.
#26-Ed Gein:The Butcher of Plainfield(2007)-The title role was played by Kane Hodder. Those who know anything about this stuff would see the problem right there. Gein was a lazy-eyed little man. Hodder, the dude who played Jason in most of the Friday the 13ths, is a mountain. How can you trust a movie that's supposed to be based on a true story when they can't get the main character right? THUMBS DOWN.
My review for Netflix Streaming service: It doesn't have very many good horror movies that I haven't already seen.(LC)
Monday, October 24, 2011
Sorry to be so negative but...
...what makes Wilco so special? I think they are dull. Same with Pavement. Modest Mouse can eat my shorts. The Shins and Decemberists? Lame. I know they play different music, but Pink Martini? More like Stink Fartini. Tis the season for crappy music? Nay. I heard a really cool band today called Blasfemador. I think they're from South America somewhere. They rip. (LC)
old becomes new again
Well, not as old anyway. I jammed Jane's Addiction-Ritual de lo Habitual at work tonight. It didn't sound as tired as it used to, and I really enjoyed it. Sure, it sounds dated, but not as dated as this video looks:
(Warner Bros. won't let me embed the video. You know, 1%er b.s.)
I guess there comes a time when you can finally go back and listen to those tired and overplayed albums and listen to them with fresh ears. If it sounds great finally after all this time, (you know, past nostalgia and all that bullcrap), then maybe that's the criteria for great music. For me, Appetite For Destruction falls under this. It sounds even better to me now. Get what I'm saying?(LC)
(Warner Bros. won't let me embed the video. You know, 1%er b.s.)
I guess there comes a time when you can finally go back and listen to those tired and overplayed albums and listen to them with fresh ears. If it sounds great finally after all this time, (you know, past nostalgia and all that bullcrap), then maybe that's the criteria for great music. For me, Appetite For Destruction falls under this. It sounds even better to me now. Get what I'm saying?(LC)
Saturday, October 22, 2011
I hate it when people...
...don't use their turn signals while driving. It just seems lazy. That's it. (LC)
Its been hard for me to get to the World Wide Web lately, sometimes its harder to access than you think. The superhighway doesnt run near my house, but it does always run through my dreams. (Bug)
Friday, October 21, 2011
Movies 21 & 22
Pandorum(20090-Pretty good Sci-Fi scary movie. A little hard to follow at times, though.
The Damned Thing(2006)-It was alright. Kinda boring. It has scene where a dude takes a hammer to his own face. That was a bit hard to watch.
On another note, the new Amebix album exceeds all my expectations. I think it's really good! (LC)
The Damned Thing(2006)-It was alright. Kinda boring. It has scene where a dude takes a hammer to his own face. That was a bit hard to watch.
On another note, the new Amebix album exceeds all my expectations. I think it's really good! (LC)
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Movie #20
Lost Boys:The Thirst(2010). Terrible! I miss Corey Haim.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Dorkin' with Duff McKagan
In case you didn't know this, the tall dude in the pic played bass on the greatest Hard Rock album ever made. His autobiography recently came out, It's So Easy, and he spoke at Powell's Books for a short while then answered a few questions, mostly stupid (like what do you think of "Chinese Democracy"?... C'mon.)

(My co-worker bro Justin Drabek, is the other short hairy dude.)
He gave a great answer to another stupid question. Question: What advice do you have for starving artists in Portland looking for inspiration? Answer: It's about telling the truth, right?
Duff seems really cool, and in touch with today's great rock bands. He loves Ghost and Red Fang. Me too! He's 10x cooler than Dave Mustaine. Mustaine just sat at a table and signed books. No pictures allowed. Duff's book was 10 bucks cheaper than Mustaine's, too. McKagan>Mustaine. (LC)

(My co-worker bro Justin Drabek, is the other short hairy dude.)
He gave a great answer to another stupid question. Question: What advice do you have for starving artists in Portland looking for inspiration? Answer: It's about telling the truth, right?
Duff seems really cool, and in touch with today's great rock bands. He loves Ghost and Red Fang. Me too! He's 10x cooler than Dave Mustaine. Mustaine just sat at a table and signed books. No pictures allowed. Duff's book was 10 bucks cheaper than Mustaine's, too. McKagan>Mustaine. (LC)
Monday, October 17, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Movie # 18
Trick 'r Treat(2007)-It wasn't scary and it felt safe. It was fun and I enjoyed it, but it wasn't what I was hoping for. I bet tweens put this movie on at slumber parties. Fulci's "Zombie"(or "Zombie 2" for those in the know), was what we watched when I was a tween. Classic underwater zombie vs. tiger shark scene... Anyway, The werewolf scene was pretty rad. (LC)
Balls Of Steel
Nothing on tv in the U.S. comes close to how great this U.K. show is. This clip is only a small portion of it's awesomeness. (LC)
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
Human Waste
Today I sat on the toilet for like 15 minutes and when I finished I had taken the tiniest dump ever. I was like "Sheesh, whats the purpose?" (Bug)
My best friend made this CD for me a couple of years back. Just played it today for the first time in forever. It's pretty good. (Bug)
Movie #17
Burnt Offerings(1976)-It about a haunted house. It has scary music. (LC)
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Movie #16
Wilderness(2006)-Not very scary, but a gnarly flick indeed. A bunch of delinquent Irish kids shunned to an island with killer german shepherds and and a moving bush with a crossbow. It's twisted and bloody. Thumbs up from me. (LC)
Movie #15
The Descent 2(2009). It was just a sick as the first one. Badass. One of the better movies I have watched so far this month. (LC)
I watched a movie called Hesher last night. It had the guy with glasses from that TV show The Office. I hate that TV show. Why are the cameras all shaky? They need new cameramen. I hate Steve Carrell too. What a dumb show. (Bug)
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
The Enslaved concert killed! Before the band started playing, I overheard a conversation pitting Lord of the Rings characters against X-Men. Interesting concept...for dorks. Also, "What would Gandalf be like if he took LSD?" Great stuff. Lets headbang! (LC)
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Bob Ross remembered
Not only was this man a great painter and teacher, he was (and still is), an amazing inspiration in helping make those "big decisions": "Where is your mountain in your world?" (LC)
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Lunch break
I went over to Club 21 for lunch today. Club 21 is a bar that my co-workers kept telling me to go to and try their "amazing" burgers. It was full of 1950s greaser poser types. I got in line at the bar behind one of these greasers and waited patiently. After this poser grabbed his drinks, he turned to me and kinda got in my face and said, "I'm not done." I was kind of taken aback and responded with, "Well, okay then." I think he was afraid that I'd cut in and steal his drinks. Anyway, after pondering the interaction for a moment, I really should have responded with, "Hey 1950s greaser poser dude, I'm a late 1960s Vietnam Vet poser dude. If you ever talk to me that way again I'll cut your ear off." I could have then flipped over a table and ducked. Anyway, for your information, I ordered a burger with fries and a diet coke. I ordered, ate, and was back at work in under 30 minutes. The food was okay, but the burger was very salty. I can still feel it in my chest. Very underwhelming. (LC)
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Movies 11, 12 & 13
#11: The Swarm (1978)-A bunch of bees. Remember when North America was going to be attacked by killer bees? We got mosquitos instead. The movie was ok. A little too long, though.
#12: Wolfen (1981)-Wolves are pretty cool most of the time. James Edward Olmos (the dude from Miami Vice), was awesome in it. Other than that, there wasn't enough to pull my focus from the internet.
#13: An American Werewolf In London (1981)-This movie is a classic! It should be required viewing for anyone attempting to be a human. (That means just about everybody). (LC)
#12: Wolfen (1981)-Wolves are pretty cool most of the time. James Edward Olmos (the dude from Miami Vice), was awesome in it. Other than that, there wasn't enough to pull my focus from the internet.
#13: An American Werewolf In London (1981)-This movie is a classic! It should be required viewing for anyone attempting to be a human. (That means just about everybody). (LC)
When was it determined that pizza could be delivered? Why is it only pizza? Man, sometimes I could really go for some spaghetti, or a burrito, or even some sushi, but I just really don't feel like putting on pants to go get it. Some ask why, I ask why not. (LC)
facts of life
I like my burritos frost-bitten.
I like my popcorn stale.
I piss lightning and crap thunder.
I can't think of anything else...suggestions? (LC)
I like my popcorn stale.
I piss lightning and crap thunder.
I can't think of anything else...suggestions? (LC)
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Out of Gas
Man, I wish I could go back to 1993 and buy like a million gallons of gas. I'd have a ton of it, just hanging around for me and my friends to use. (Bug)
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Movies 9 & 10
#9: Night of the Comet(1984)- bitchin' 80s flick. Not very scary, but kooky (like They Live).
#10:Creature From The Black Lagoon(1954)-One badass monster! (LC)
#10:Creature From The Black Lagoon(1954)-One badass monster! (LC)
Movies 6, 7 & 8
Movie #6: Monkey Shines(1988)- had a cute monkey in it. It was alright.
Movie #7: Countess Dracula(1971)- another Hammer Production with the usual Hammer flare.
Movie #8: The Howling(1981)- a weird little ditty, but kinda good. (LC)
Movie #7: Countess Dracula(1971)- another Hammer Production with the usual Hammer flare.
Movie #8: The Howling(1981)- a weird little ditty, but kinda good. (LC)
Monday, October 3, 2011
Hellraiser 3:Hell On Earth (1992)
Movie #5 was decent. Pinhead and the Cenobites were cool, and it had a sweet night club, but that's about it. (LC)
Lunch yesterday
I had 2 hot dogs from Circle K for lunch yesterday. They tasted a little old, but 2 for $2.50 is quite a deal! (LC)
House of the Devil (2009)
Movie #4 1 hour 15 min. all suspense. 10 min. scary stuff. Gnarly movie, though. (LC)
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Astro Zombies (1968)
Movie #3 wasn't bad for a low-budget. It had cool sound effects, righteous babes, and the astro zombies looked bitchin'. It certainly wasn't on par with Night of the Living Dead, though. The astro zombies needed to be in it more, and it needed more brutal killing. (LC)
Deathwatch (2002)
Movie #2 was "Deathwatch". It was confusing and hard to follow. I had a hard time getting scared. I don't recommend it. There are many, many better scary movies than this one. The picture looked good, though. It looked grim. (LC)
Anti Subaru
I don't think I'll ever buy a Subaru because they are all defective. There's something about them that tends to cause them to pull out in front of other cars then drive slow. They also seem to drive slow in the fast lane. I don't think I'll ever buy a Subaru. (LC)
Saturday, October 1, 2011
All Dude Party
So I'm just watching my favorite show, COPS, and they are busting a college campus party. They ask the head of the house to clear everybody out. It shows a dozen or so males exiting the residence. One of the officers says chuckles out "Looks like a sausage party." I love sausage. (Bug)
Its been a long time since I stayed up all night watching The Locust videos on youtube. (Bug)
3rd October Horror Movie Fest
I'm going to try this again. 31 scary movies in October. The last 2 years I'm only made it somewhere in the 20s. I just watched Dracula A.D. 1972. It's not too bad if you like hippies and disco. Go Hammer! (LC)
Hammer Productions
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