Friday, February 28, 2014

TV Show Review

I'm hooked on "Downton Abbey". That show is great. Season 4 just ended. Well, maybe I'm reading into things too much, and I hope I'm wrong. I do not want Mary and Tom to hook up. I know that Season 4 kind of led watchers to think differently. I hope it continues that way. Mary and Tom getting together is way too easy for the writers of the show. Don't get me wrong, Mary and Tom are great together as a team taking care of the estate. The got chemistry, but like sister and brother, even though they are only by marriage and maybe even not anymore by death. I'm sure that I am in the minority here. I'm sure it's what all the single ladies over the age of 30 that spend more time staying in than going out want. I think it would result in the show ending prematurely in a disastrous vortex that will tarnish the show's legacy. You know how nobody had anything good to say about "Lost" after that show ended? That show was pretty great until the dumb end. Yeah, that's how people will react eventually if Mary and Tom hook up. I got this song stuck in my head: (LC)

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Personal Preferences

Honestly, I don't think cigarettes are all that on the other hand...I guess it depends on who's teaching the's Chelsea: (LC)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Album Review

I bought the new Carcass album back in December.  I finally listened to it last week.  I think I've played it all the way through probably 8 times now.  It's pretty darn good.  My good buddy AK says it's as if "Swansong" never happened...what's it been, 17 years since their last album?  AK and I are in talks of seeing Carcass in March.  The new album is called "Surgical Steel".  I'm sure they looked at medical books for this one, too.  I give it a thumbs up. I love seeing old legends like Bill Steer and Jeff Walker killing it again.  Check out this cut: (LC)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Stances on things

Sorry, I don't know where you're coming from.  Here's Chaos Horde: (LC)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Current Events

It was great to see The Hulkster on Monday Night RAW earlier tonight.  Looking forward to his future endeavors as he returns to, WWE.  Check out this song by a foreign band called Chaos UK:


Harold Ramis R.I.P.

Harold Ramis's death is a real bummer.  He starred in a personal Top 10 movie.  Ghostbusters, man. (There should be another Mt. Rushmore with the faces of the 4 ghostbusters.) He co-wrote so many other favs, in particularly Animal House.  I don't know if he ever got the credit he deserved from the casual movie fan.  If there is one thing to remember him for is that Mr. Ramis knew how to make great/the best comedy...There was a guy that used to come in to EM and look through the DVDs that looked just like Ramis, except he was a little slow.  He used to always put dirty movies on hold...I guess I could go on and bum-out over everyone's death here, but I am not going to..."Let's say this twinkie represents all of the psycho kenetic energy in the New York area. According to this morning's sample it will be a twinkie, 35 feet long and weighing approximately 600 pounds..."so good...anyway, like any good technological determinist would say: (LC)

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Food situation

There should be a snack called a "Humdinger". You know, like a candy bar or something. So, I was thinking about this took the initiative to google it. Apparently, there is a restaurant called "Humdingers" and a kettle corn brand called "Humdinger Kettle Korn". That's close, but what I'm saying is that there should be a snack specifically called a Humdinger. That is all. Listen to this song by Cain: (LC)

Spatial Dilemmas

It rains a lot in Portland.  I'm sure everyone knows that already.  PDXers have recently gotten some flack for the claim that true Portlanders don't use umbrellas.  The thing is that a lot of people here use umbrellas.  I, for one, side with the claim, though.  Umbrellas may have a practical purpose, and some people find them fashionable or cute.  I think they take up way too much space.  Ever walk on a sidewalk and someone holding an umbrella walks past you? If the sidewalk isn't wide enough that thing could take out your eye if you don't duck.  If 2 people with umbrellas walk side by side, then you could be up shit creek.  Ever get stuck behind an umbrella-holder going into the building?  The umbrella-holder stops, shakes it off, and closes it while you have to wait on that clueless mf.  Get my drift?  Well, that's how I feel about umbrellas. Here's Bushido: (LC)

Man issues

Why do some dudes spit their gum out in the urinal?  It doesn't flush like pee does.  Someone has to pick it up. Albeit, that person probably gets paid, but that person gets paid the same anyway, whether there's gum in the urinal or not.  Just seems like a dick thing to do...that all I'm sayin'.  There's usually a trash reasonably close.  Why not spit the gum out there?...And since we're on the subject, how about flushing, too.  Don't just leave it, expecting the next dude to do it for you.  I understand that flushing spreads germs, but dude, there's probably a sink with soap 3 steps away.  Washing hands is an excellent method to keep germs from spreading.  I sure hope you're washing your hands after holding your willie during your piss.  You could be spreading your germs on the door handle on your way out. And if you don't want my germs, then I don't want your germs. (I usually leave the men's room with a paper towel that I throw away in a trash receptacle afterward anyway, but that's beside the point.)  All this kind of reminds me of the free-market capitalist system.  You know, reaping the benefits but not willing to share the burden...anyway, just sayin'.  Here's a tune from Bulbous Creation:


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Awkward situations

1st thing, sorry for the neglect. It's already mid-February and this is the 1st post of the year. My office job moved to a new location in downtown Portland about a month ago. It's nice. I have an actual cubicle and a nameplate, now. I also have a place to hang my coat. There are plenty of food options nearby and I don't mind taking the bus. One complaint I have though, is the men's room has a timed motion-sensor light in it. Maybe you know what I'm getting at, maybe you don't. Well, it's happened to me twice now. Have you ever tried wiping your butt in pitch black after a real time-consuming growler? It's not as easy as you might think. I mean, you gotta know if you're good. The sensor won't pick up what's going on in the stall. I tried waving my arms. No way would I get up and walk out of the stall with unfinished business. Good thing I had my cell phone. Another situational use. (the phone light.) I guess I'm lucky that no one has came in yet to catch me shittin' in the dark. I'll leave you with a jam by Buffalo:(LC)