Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Olympics...

...are an exercise in masochism.  I get sucked into watching the games as much as possible while they're on.  You know, all the life stories that make you choke up and all that crap.  All the drama.  The successes.  The failures.  What people look like from other countries.  Thoughts on body image.  Feeling the need to get in shape.  Eat donuts, brownies, and french fries instead.  The desire to watch every Michael Phelps race to see if he loses. Trying not to look at spoilers for results to events that already happened just so it's exciting when you do watch.  Wondering if Ryan Lochte really is that much of a douche. Really getting into Women's Gymnastics but feeling kind of weirded out by it. Getting into Women's Water Polo and enjoying all the underwater shots of chubby girls treading water.  Cheering for Misty and Kerri to win a 3rd gold.  The neglect on all other responsibilities while the games are on. Forgetting that Syria is killing itself. No Netflix for 2 weeks.  The only break is to catch up on Big Brother.  God Save the Queen.  Diggin' on Jessica Ennis.  Wondering what a 17-year-old does with her/his life after winning a gold medal. Lots of personal reflection on your own life.  Fearing that you peaked at 17, too.  Can't help but feel inferior for your own lack of accomplishments at whatever stage of life you're in. The urge to buy Nike products.  And a subway sandwich.  Loving the underdog and the unassuming. A man with no feet can run really, really fast.  So can a short woman from Jamaica. Watch more and more...It's a full on drug habit.  Then after 2 weeks of assimilation into the t.v.'s over.  You got no choice but to quick cold turkey. And wait another 4 years.  So stupid.  Boycott the Olympics.  Boycott world peace. 'Cause it's never gonna happen...

I'll have to ask K-WY if there's a name for this condition, because I'm feeling it, and it's only halfway over. Damn.  I'm thinking about getting one of those olympic rings tattoos that all the athlete have now.  Sorry for the long post.


  1. You need to write editorial columns for newspapers.

  2. I heard a joke about Olympics. It's inappropriate and hilarious.
