Saturday, August 25, 2012

Celebrity Sighting!

I'm a jerk. Aesop Dekker came into the store today. You know how there are dudes out there that you think are really cool, and you wished you were friends with them? Well, Aesop Dekker is one of those kinds of dudes that I wish I was friends with. In case you don't know who Aesop Dekker is, he plays/played drums in some really great bands: Ludicra, Hickey, and currently Agalloch (which I have gushed over before on this blog.) He also has a really cool blog that he post hard-to-find/out-of-print music on and usually has great write-ups on them. I you haven't checked it out before, it's called Cosmic Hearse. He hasn't posted anything since June so maybe he's done with it. (Dammit, I shoulda asked.) Anyway, he and a cute hesher chick came in and met a friend. They shopped for records for a bit then came up to the register. I rang his friends up, first. I then asked him if he was who I thought he was. (gotta make sure about these things.) He said yes. So I said "You get a discount." He picked up an Earth record and I can't remember exactly what else. So I hooked him up, then turned to his friends and said, "I woulda hooked you guys up, too, if you had a cool blog like his!" They kinda laughed, but man. That really was kind of a crappy thing to say. I'm a jerk. So, Aesop Dekker, if you ever happen to stumble across this digital rag that Bug and I make, I apologize for being mean to your friends. Thank you for shopping in my store. I hope you will continue with "The Hearse" sometime soon, because I'm getting tired of seeing Vanderbeek's face everyday when I visit. Sorry for the long post. (LC)


  1. Dont sweat it. I get nervous around celebrities too.

  2. Thanks, love that store. The cute hessian girl is my girlfriend Ashley Spungin of the great bands Taurus and Purple Rhinestone Eagle.
