Friday, August 10, 2012

Phone guy

Let me get one thing straight. This man is legitimately insane. Most likely Schizophrenia. (What do I know? Well, I'm married to a psychologist. That practically makes me one.) Anyway, this guy spends his day talking on each pay phone in my neighborhood. I'm pretty sure he isn't talking to anyone real because he talks, hangs up, then picks up and talks some more. From what I've caught from the few conversations I've eavesdropped on, he talks about drugs: "LSD, Marijuana, Angel Dust, Vicodin, Cocaine. LSD, Marijuana, Angel Dust, Vicodin, Cocaine. LSD, Marijuana, Angel Dust, Vicodin, Cocaine." Repeat and repeat. When he isn't talking on a payphone, he is usually found walking en route to one...yelling obscenities. Usually one word. okay. I'm going to use some adult language. He only yells "FUCK", and he always sounds really pissed off. Like someone's been messing with him. You know, like someone always sneaking up and giving him a wedgie or something. He walks across the street from our place every day. (K-WY says she saw his wang once as he relieved himself on a telephone pole. Very unsettling, she says.) Anyway, here's the really funny part. While I was at work tonight, K-WY said the phone guy was swearing right on the other side of our fence. Our 3 pugs all ran out into the backyard and went apeshit at him, and he started swearing back at them. I don't know. it just seems like it would be a great moment to catch. Phone guy swearing at the pugs and the pugs barking back at him. With a tall wooden fence separating them. I would probably smile for about 3 minutes if I could witness that for 30 seconds. (LC)

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