Saturday, February 25, 2012


Every so often, I get a little medical procedure. You know, like a tune-up. No. Not that kind of procedure...You're funny, though. Well, it's a shot in my back. That kind of procedure. I got one a couple of weeks ago. I usually get put under a little, because it freaks me out. The dr. who used to do it (the procedure that is), went semi-retired. I got a new guy to do this one. He's kind of a tough old dude, who likes to take photos of eagles and crap. The rest of his team are kind of the same way. Anyway, I went in for the injection and they they didn't sedate me! As I went into the procedural room, I asked if they were going to put me under. They usually get it started before I go in the room. One of the dude-nurses said, "You're not a wussie, are you?"...I took the local anesthesia in the butt and toughed it out...But I was PISSED. (LC)

1 comment:

  1. The first time I read this, I read, "semi-retarded," instead of "semi-retired."
