Monday, February 13, 2012

Mistakes I've made in life.

I don't make mistakes too often. That's why I criticize others so much. Even though they're few and far between, I'm pretty good at admitting them. I confess I made an embarrassing one tonight. I set off the building alarm at work. I followed the instructions next to the keypad, but I couldn't get the alarm to shut off. I called the number next to the instructions. The nice lady asked for the store's phone # and said she'd page a technician to call back. I waited for a while, then I called the nice lady back. I called her back and had her page a technician about 5 times over the next hour. No technician called me back. So, I went back to the keypad and scratched my head. Then I realized that I had been entering in the wrong code. DUH. I shut the alarm off then armed it properly and went home. I didn't call the nice lady back because I wasn't going to ask her to page the seemingly non-existent technician and tell the dude to forget about it. Well, the point of my story is that I hate the stupid phrase: "My bad." It just sounds stupid. To me, it sounds like the person is barely admitting to his or her mistake. The mistake-maker doesn't believe it is worthy enough to be considered a mistake. It's the difference between a doctor and a car salesman. Sorry for the long post. (LC)

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