Sunday, February 26, 2012

Another stupid saying.

"It's always the last place you look." Of course it is, you dummy. Why would you keep looking after you found it. (LC)

The Hacker

"Guilty as charged!"
 "Whats this a Lamborghini?"


Lots of reading

Today I went to the Cheesecake Factory. Did you know their menu is 18 pages? Sheesh! (Bug)

Saturday, February 25, 2012


I really don't have many vices. I really like to take long, hot showers, though. (LC)

I got called an asshole the other day.

I went in to grab a cup of coffee before I went to work the other afternoon, like I normally do. There was a loud dude in the shop thinking he was funny. They had to finish brewing a pot before I could get mine, so I sat and waited patiently. I was a little grumpy because I was decompressing from the commute over. I was politely keeping my mood to myself, though. That loud dude started saying, "Hey old man!", "What's shakin' old man?", "Old man...". Finally, I turned to him and say, "Are you talking to me?" He said, "Yeah. What's shakin?" The fresh pot was finished at that point, I got my cup, nodded to him, then left. As I walked out, I heard the loud dude say, "That guy's an asshole!" You know, I really don't like making small talk with strangers. I'm a live and let live kind of guy. Sure, I'll hold the door for strangers. If I drop something, it's nice when a stranger hands it to me. Politeness is very good. I just don't want to deal with that other stupid crap. It's pointless and exhausting. Know what I mean? Besides, I'm not that old. That dude looked to be at least as old as I am. Sorry for the long post. (LC)


Every so often, I get a little medical procedure. You know, like a tune-up. No. Not that kind of procedure...You're funny, though. Well, it's a shot in my back. That kind of procedure. I got one a couple of weeks ago. I usually get put under a little, because it freaks me out. The dr. who used to do it (the procedure that is), went semi-retired. I got a new guy to do this one. He's kind of a tough old dude, who likes to take photos of eagles and crap. The rest of his team are kind of the same way. Anyway, I went in for the injection and they they didn't sedate me! As I went into the procedural room, I asked if they were going to put me under. They usually get it started before I go in the room. One of the dude-nurses said, "You're not a wussie, are you?"...I took the local anesthesia in the butt and toughed it out...But I was PISSED. (LC)

So, guess what. I'm back in school.

I hate group assignments. (LC)

Punk shows

I never got the whole playing on the floor thing when there's a stage to use. It's kind of unfair to the short people in the back who probably actually paid to get in. (LC)

I went to school with this guy.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Computers. Ugh.

I think my new computer is already dying. Any internet browser I use only stays open for 3-4 minutes, then crashes. The whole computer crashes about once an hour. It was fun while it lasted. (Bug)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Movie Review

Until The Light Takes Us
So I finally got to watch this movie about Norwegian Black Metal. It had a great soundtrack, Dark Throne, Burzum, Immortal, and oddly Mogwai. That guy that did the Black Metal art show seemed like a doof. It also seemed like Fenriz thought he was a doof too. (Bug)


I've been painting my kitchen for the last 3 weeks and I've only gotten the cupboards done. I had no idea it was going to be such an undertaking. You guys ever paint anything before? (Bug)

Friday, February 17, 2012


Kids hate coffee, so don't take them to coffee shops. It'll make less people hate you. (LC)

List of Greatest Hard Rock Frontmen (in order)

Just to clarify, I refer to frontman as in performance and charisma, not necessarily only singing ability. 1. Freddie Mercury 2. Iggy Pop 3. David Lee Roth 4. Hank from Turbonegro 5. Ronnie James Dio 6. Rob Halford 7. Alice Cooper 8. James Hetfield 9. Ozzy Ozbourne 10. Lemmy Kilmister Feel free to remind me of others. (LC)


If you don't like this band, I'm afraid we wouldn't have much to talk about. Sorry. (LC)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Please don't get me wrong. I get to listen to a lot of awesome music at work all day long that I otherwise probably never hear. From great jazz, to amazing world music, exciting electronica, to groundbreaking hip hop. By the time I get off work most days, all I really want to hear is classic rock radio on the ride home. That being said: Def Leppard-Rock Of Ages > Pink Floyd-Money. (LC)

I might be alone here but... you ever get those really long, sticky boogers that feel like they tickle your brain when you pull them out? Man, that's weird. (LC)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Facebook Parenting

Did y'all see that? I think that guy should have just told his daughter that she was being a brat, then blew away her laptop right in front of her. How come he filmed it? I surely don't give a crap about his problems. (Bug)


I didnt watch that show. Don't get me wrong I love modern music. In fact I believe there is a lot cooler stuff coming out now than ever, you just have to use your brain to find stuff that isnt mass marketed to millions of people. Not that the Grammy's music is totally terrible, but it is terribly played out. I prefer to find secret gems. Its like camping, you can camp at those places where they have a built in metal campfire, picnic table and car parking pad, or you can blaze your own trail, and make your own fire pit. To me thats more fun and unique. (Bug)


I ran a mile tonight, did 20 sit ups and 10 push ups. It was cool. I'll try it again tomorrow. (Bug)

D.C. Cab

Great movie.

Career choices

I used to think I would like to try my hand at writing. Then I realized there isn't a shortage of books. There is a shortage of money, though, at least for me. My tactics for improving the money part haven't worked out all that much...yet. (LC)

Mistakes I've made in life.

I don't make mistakes too often. That's why I criticize others so much. Even though they're few and far between, I'm pretty good at admitting them. I confess I made an embarrassing one tonight. I set off the building alarm at work. I followed the instructions next to the keypad, but I couldn't get the alarm to shut off. I called the number next to the instructions. The nice lady asked for the store's phone # and said she'd page a technician to call back. I waited for a while, then I called the nice lady back. I called her back and had her page a technician about 5 times over the next hour. No technician called me back. So, I went back to the keypad and scratched my head. Then I realized that I had been entering in the wrong code. DUH. I shut the alarm off then armed it properly and went home. I didn't call the nice lady back because I wasn't going to ask her to page the seemingly non-existent technician and tell the dude to forget about it. Well, the point of my story is that I hate the stupid phrase: "My bad." It just sounds stupid. To me, it sounds like the person is barely admitting to his or her mistake. The mistake-maker doesn't believe it is worthy enough to be considered a mistake. It's the difference between a doctor and a car salesman. Sorry for the long post. (LC)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

some real advice.

There are a lot of dudes out there with shaved heads and goatees that think they know what they are doing. Don't fall for it. (LC)

The meaning of life

You know when people talk about how everyone has a purpose? I seriously believe that there are some people who's sole purpose is to get in the way. They drive me nuts. (LC)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Burger King

Burger King always makes my stomach turn and have terrible gas. Every time i eat there, which mind you is not a lot, maybe every other month I regret it. I need to start making better choices. Burger King sucks. (Bug)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

PDX Insider Tip!

The Subway on SE Morrison is open 24 hours. In case you need a 5 dollar footlong at 4 in the morning. The graveyard shift dude is cool. (LC)

PT Losers

They're so stupid. Only jerks drive them. They're almost as bad as Subarus. (LC)

Portland winters

The leaves cover the sidewalks and clog up the gutters in Portland every fall. Every winter the road flood because the gutters are backed up. You'd think the city would recognize this problem in the fall and clean out the gutters before it starts raining hard. I wouldn't mind seeing my tax dollars at work for this. (LC)

Election year.

I'm not huge on politics, but I recognize the game's importance. I do have high expectations for a person who becomes president, though. I hate seeing the president at a social event like a college football game. I hate even more hearing about how the president is on vacation at his ranch in Texas. Is it too much to ask the president to devote every waking second to his or her country for the 4 year term? If they can't hack it, they shouldn't run. I guess that may be why I cut Clinton some slack. I'm not saying I agree with what he did, but at least he was at work. (LC)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I don't email anyone anymore. A guy asked me for my email address the other day. I should have told him I only check it about once every three months. Is that weird? Why do people email? My hotmail has like 4000 junk spam messages in it. Who wants to sift through that to find some dumb email about probably nothing. Heres my number 208 375 6710, text me or call me. At the rate I check my email address, you could mail me a letter through the post office and I'd get it faster. (Bug)

Sunday, February 5, 2012


I've been eating a lot lately. They're pretty yummy when you're looking for food on the cheap. (Bug)