Saturday, January 14, 2012


I don't follow football too much and I don't know him from the next guy, but that dude seems a little self-righteous.  That kneeling and praying thing people keep talking about seems kinda phony.  I like to see dudes like that fail.  Is that wrong? (LC)


  1. Well, your Mom has to get on board!! I have a spiritual attitude toward God and I have a hard time with people, especially pro athletes, saying God helped them win a competition. I don't think God really cares if you win or not -- he just cares how you played the game (in life). If Tebow wants to give thanks for the help he feels God gave to him, that is fine. But everyone else taking a knee is like everyone making the sign of the cross on their chest for every and any thing. If a muslim wants to kneel and bow to pray that is fine, but I don't think we all need to make it the "fashion" like making the sign of the cross or taking a knee and acting like we are praying. Maybe we women should all wear little black or white caps like the Amish and Mennonite women -- that could become fashion. Not! I don't like it when people take something that is important or sacred to another person and turn it into a fashion or an "every time" gesture. If the gesture is truly sincere, that is different,but not fashionable! Thank you, Levi, for letting me vent!!

  2. Levi, never forget, Jesus didn't tap.
