Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Ok. This is a huge pet peeve of mine. If you want someone's help, I believe you should be polite, show gratitude, and properly express your wants and/or needs. At work, I hate it when someone walks up to me and says: "Jack Johnson" or "Black Keys", or something like that. Why can't they put a little consideration into it and ask. You know, like: "Do you guys carry The Rolling Stones?", or "Can you show me where you keep Black Flag?". Just spitting out an artists name is caveman talk and very assuming. Of course I know they just want me to show them where we keep Sublime. A little courtesy goes a long way, though. At least form a question with a verb in it. And on a similar note, I think it's total BS that grown adults will behave in a poor manner by throwing a tantrum if their wants aren't met. Some people just don't understand return policies. Throwing a fit doesn't change the policy. It doesn't make their receipt magically show up, either. It just makes everyone look bad: The customer throwing a fit, the embarrassed employees who are just trying to do their job right, and the rest of the customers gawking at the spectacle. It is not the employees fault the customer didn't read the return policy taped to the counter, right next to the pin pad for their debit card. Besides, where can you return anything these days without a receipt (besides Walmart)? From here on out, when a customer behaves badly, I'll just take their picture with my camera-phone and post their mugs on this blog for amusement. Sorry for the long post. Just a lot to get off my chest today. (LC)

1 comment:

  1. I think its neat that Black Flag fans are more polite than Black Keys fans. Its nice to have that confirmation of a long lived hunch. Now, bring on the photos!
