Saturday, May 31, 2014


I wish pocket-pool wasn't so obvious. (LC)


I've been a fan of Conan for a while now.  I got to thinking the other day about how much I don't have in common with him, except that we're both barbarians.  CROM...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Album Review

The new Eyehategod came out on Tuesday.  The album is called "Eyehategod".  1st new album in 14 years.  Their drummer died not too long ago.  They have a different dude playing with them now, I guess... Anyway, I think the album is pretty good.  I felt tough listening to it while I stood in the rain this morning waiting for a bus that didn't show up.  A lot of buses drove past, just not mine. (LC)


Alexander Skarsgard is a very attractive and charismatic man.  I can't seem to take my eyes off him whether it's True Blood, Generation Kill, or a Lady Gaga video.  Google him if you don't know who he is.  The man has a presence... that doesn't mean I want him to kiss me or pinch my butt.  I'm just sayin'. (LC)

New Band Name

New band name: "The Big Stink".  I'm willing to part with it for 10 bucks. (LC)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Radio sells music

I was listening to my old friend/co-worker/roomie B-RUSH during his radio show for Radio Boise online (google it).  His vocal delivery is really cool.  Anyway, he played some great tunes.  I ended up buying some music that he played right afterward.  I picked up Agalloch-The Serpent & the Sphere (see review), Floor-Oblation, Swans-To Be Kind.  All 3 are great!  Maybe I'll write more reviews later.  These are bands I already like, but hadn't heard their new albums.  B-RUSH reminded me to pick them up.  Props. (LC)

Junior High

I can't remember if I've posted this yet.  When I was in 8th grade, I had this poster on my wall:
I thought it was badass, but my mom didn't.  I wish I still had it.  (LC)

Album review

Agalloch-The Serpent & the Sphere just came out and sounds a lot like the rest of their stuff.  You should hear it because it sounds pretty darn good.  It would be a good idea to pay for it if you decide to pick it up.  (LC)


KY's mom bought me a couple of plaid shirts a few days ago.  I don't know.  Maybe she doesn't like how I dress.  Anyway, they're nice, they fit well, and I'm very grateful for them.  I put one on for work the other day and I said to KY that I looked like an Emo throwback.  Then I put on my zip-up hoodie and said that "Now I really look Emo."  You know whay KY said?  She said: "You look like a f#@&ing dork."  Hrmm.  I guess I should appreciate her honesty.  On a similar note, oh boy did Emo take a turn in fashion.  Plaid shirts and dorky glasses to eyeliner and goth crap?  Kinda strange. (LC)


I can't almost stand it when someone says: "Educate yourself."  Who is this person telling me to educate myself?  Technically, I'm educated.  I have a college degree, kinda.   Am I supposed to educate myself on what they think I should educate myself about?  Why do I have to do it? Why can he or she just do it?  Tell me about it, give me some literature. Know what I mean?  And frankly, what if I just don't care?  I could go all day on this so I'll make this short. I think telling someone to "educate yourself" is rude, disrespectful, lazy, condescending, and ignorant.

The Grinch

You know, I've grown to be annoyed by little kids (or anyone for that matter),  drawing on the sidewalk.  I mean, it doesn't belong to them. (LC)


Today is a winner.  I didn't lose my piece of paper with my notes for this blog. (LC)


I think it's silly when dudes dress up as "sexy" women for Halloween.  I have hard time taking them seriously.  (LC)

A little self-reflection

I am a locust.  Metaphorically speaking.  Not like the band.  And not like Kafka. That would be metamorphically speaking.  And rather, a beetle.  Not a beatle. (LC)

Just the facts

So, I was told today that Uranus is a "gas giant".  Ok, tell me something I don't already know. (Oh snap!). (LC)


I hate that that part of interviews where the interviewer says: "Tell about yourself."  I have decided that from now on I will respond with:  "I'm an accident that already happened."  They can take that however they want.  I plan to take it to the bank. (LC)

Science Fact.

Light.  It travels very, very fast. (LC)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


I came up with a whole list of new insights while at work today.  I intended on posting them on this blog here.  I wrote them down and stuck the paper in my back pocket.  The paper is gone. I lost it somewhere.  It probably fell out during my bus ride home.  Now, some joker picking up litter probably read it and did one of 2 things: #1. the joker could have said to himself (assuming that it's a dude picking up litter): "This is dumb." Then threw it away.  #2. the joker said:  "Wow!  This stuff is great!" Then went and posted it on his blog.  I don't really believe in fate, but you lose this time.  Sorry.  (LC)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Fight Review

So Floyd "Money" Mayweather fought Marcos Maidana last night.  Not knowing too much about Maidana (other than ko'ing Adrien Broner, which was a big deal.  seriously),  I was pretty sure Money was going to walk away with this one.  C'mon, he went into this one with a record of 45-0.  That's right.  No losses.  What was Maidana gonna bring that the pound-for-pound king wouldn't be able to handle?...Well, Floyd is now 46-0.  But DAYUM, did Maidana bring it last night.  He made sure Floyd had to fight rather than dodging punches and connecting a jab that he's been doing a lot as of late.  It was a great fight and I hope it happens again.  Now, Mayweather's walkouts are generally an entertaining spectacle.  He had the usual walkout people with him.  He had his cornermen, Lil Wayne, and (I think, but not 100%) Bieber.  This time though, he had a bunch of circus performers, as well.  You know, there were jugglers and dancers and all that b.s.  It was entertaining.  Here's a quick pick of Money and crew:
Here's the thing:  That is definitely Lil Wayne, but I can't tell if that's the real Bieber or one of those girl impersonators.  I guess that's a popular thing now.  (For the record, I have no problem with that whatsoever.)  Bieber has walked out with Money in the past, I know that.  I just couldn't tell if that was really him last night.  That is all.
Anyway, the rest of the main card was good.  All went the distance.  The guys that were supposed to win, won.  I like that kid Amir Khan, even though he's kind of a dirty fighter.  Broner got back on the winning track. During the in-ring post-fight interview, Broner declared that he is a CAN fighter.  He's an "AfriCAN who just beat the f@*! out of a MexiCAN" (yeah, real classy).  Well, you gotta do something to draw attention these days, even if it comes across seeming explicitly racist.  Oh well, Progress: 1 step forward, 2 steps back...Love won his fight against someone I can't remember his name (google it).  Love almost got knocked the F out, but came back and took control.  Well, there's my review.  Oh, I guess there was a riot at MGM after that.  Many claim they heard gun shots... I hate to admit it, but I can't wait for the next Floyd Money Mayweather fight.


I just saw an advertisement for Hershey Spreads.  Is that like having the Hershey Squirts except you've been sitting in it?...Ew, GROSS! (LC)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

About Me

I get irritated easily. (LC)

Weather post

I used to like it when the weather's nice.  I think I'm over it now.  Everyone goes outside when it's nice.  People get in the way of each other, doin' their own thang, steppin' out in front of moving vehicles.  Someone goes a little overboard on the pot brownies.  The firetrucks show up.  Then the ambulances show up.  Then the cops show up.  Now nobody is having a good time.  Here's some advice for when the weather's nice:  Stay home.  You'll just get in the way.  I wish I could say that I like it when it's rainy because there's less people standing in the middle of the sidewalk.  yes, there are less people.  But then the umbrellas come out.  I hate umbrellas.  Umbrellas are a huge waste of space.  Very intrusive on the non-umbrella users.  They cover 3 times the space the umbrella-user actually needs.  Then umbrella users decide to walk side by side, which takes up a large amount sidewalk real estate and become very hard to maneuver around.  Every time it rains, I almost lose an eye because umbrella-users are oblivious.  I get so mad, I could swear.  Here's some more advice:  Buy a raincoat with a hood.  What?  It'll mess up your hair?  Simple.  Buy a comb. I'm out. (LC)


You wanna know why I don't wear tight pants?  'Cause the last thing this world needs is another fat man in tight pants. (LC)