Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Jury Duty

I've lived in Portland for 7 years and have been summoned for jury duty 3 times.  My awesome ex-boss got me out of it the 1st time.  I showed up the 2nd time.  I wasn't picked so I got to leave early.  Maybe I'll get picked this time.  I'll tweet updates if I do...just joking. I think this may have been brought up before somewhere, but why don't they pick the dudes just hanging out, collecting unemployment for jury duty first?  Please don't take this the wrong way.  I'm all for people collecting unemployment when they have to, 'cause shit happens.  Seriously though, the government is giving them a helping hand, they should help out the government.  Sorry, I don't mean to sound like a Communist or something. Besides, these dudes most likely have the spare time...maybe I'll wear sweatpants...maybe I'll tell them I'm a woman breast-feeding a child and get out of it...c'mon, they probably wouldn't fall for it if I told them I'm a dude breast-feeding a child.  Here's Jan Hammer bangin' out a killer jam:

I wish "Night Court" was on Netflix.(LC)

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