Saturday, May 18, 2013

Pretty great records

Here are a few links to some new music that I think are really great, maybe you will too.

Getting Older

Speaking of getting old, or at least getting older. I hate when people in their 20's complain about getting old. I'm 38 and I don't consider myself as "getting old" nor would I think to complain about it as "man, I'm getting old".
But what this post is really about is the small things in life that I've started to notice that take up time. Sure these things are important, and again I don't mean to complain, but these things take up my precious time.

For example; Flossing. Now that I'm 38, I realize that I should have been doing this all along as my dentist tells me my mouth is wrecked. I didn't floss for 18 years, and evidently its kinda important. I didn't do it because it took up time. And though it only really takes about 2 minutes, 2 minutes seems like time wasted in your 20's ya know? (Bug)

Weight of the World

Man, sometimes I feel so fat. I only weigh 170 and I'm 5'9", but my gut feels like a jolly Santa. I need to exercise or at least take a walk. (Bug)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Since we're on the subject...

Of the 20 years I've been out of high school, I bet it has been, at most, 6 years total when I haven't been in some sort of college. 14 years of college for what? You'd think I'd be a four-star general or something by now. Aye gess im uh dumbass to. (LC)


I finished high school 20 years ago around this time. I wonder what my 18-year-old self would think of my 38 year version. I probably would think I'm a real shithead...come to think of it, I was a real shithead back then. (LC)

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Really Good Song

Probably one of my favorite songs of all time. The singer sounds so sad.


I rarely wear shorts. I'm kind of against them, I mean I do wear them occasionally, but I'm usually embarrassed about it. I'd rather get all crotch swampy then wear shorts most of the time. I'm just not a fan of showing people my legs, they're hairy and pasty, and nobody wants to see that. Don't even get me started on feet, gross. Being half naked is for bed and swimming. I even work in a very hot environment, but I still wear long pants. People think I'm crazy. Maybe I am. (Bug)


There are a few things in life I could  go without ever having again. Hangnails. I mean whats the purpose in these things? If you're a christian, its said that God has a reason for every part of your body, or something like that. I can't for the life of me think of a reason for hangnails, but I'm not a christian. (Bug)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

terrible fashion

I think it looks dumb, and I wish it would end. (LC)

Great band!

...but even better dudes! Thanks for staying interested, NP! (LC)

I wish I had a better photo of this guy...




career change

You know, I am really good at selling records. As a matter of fact, I'm awesome at it...but I really shine at title insurance. I start back at my old job on Monday. (LC)

movie review.

I just watched a movie on Netflix called "Kumare". It's about a bunch of suckers. Now I know what to watch out for. You should probably watch it just in case. (LC)

celebrity sighting...

One of the dudes from Dead Conspiracy came into the store yesterday.  He was a very cool dude.

That record label called Hell's Headbangers is selling their new ep. I like that label a lot. (LC)