Thursday, December 13, 2012

3 -Swann Street

I first heard this song on a compilation tape that a friend from Ohio made me way back in 1992ish. Wendy, who I met through the classified ads in Maximum Rock N Roll, made me the tape. Back then MRR had tons of classifieds with people writing and sharing via the mail. Wendy and I wrote back and forth for a few years and I ended up riding the Greyhound out to visit her in 1994. I stayed in Kent, OH for 4 months. Ohio was a great place to be in 1994. It was a great jumping point to visit all the eastern cities and it was rad to immerse myself amongst a slew of people I didnt know. This song will probably stick with me forever due to the time and place and frame of mind I was in when I fell in love with it. The band that does it is called 3, and they were from DC and on Dischord records. Their drummer was also the drummer of the hardcore band Minor Threat, most of the members went on to play in a band called Grey Matter also on Dischord. (Bug)

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