Wednesday, November 28, 2012
My favorite songs of 2012
Steve Adamyk Band "Landslide"
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Zack Galfa-Whatever his name is.
I'm gonna watch his dvd Live At The Purple Onion right now. Is this guy funny? I thought the movie The Hangover was kinda dumb. He seems like a guy I would never associate with. Kinda jocky. I'm not so into that style. I'll watch this now and see if my opinion changes.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Apparently, some dude last came in to the store last night and gave the guys a free XBox...probably stolen.
(credit to JayDray for the photos). (LC)
Band names for sale
Bug and I had a little brainstorm sesh to try and come up with ways to fund this resource. 'Tis true we don't get paid for providing this valuable information, but we NEVER said we were non-profit. We will take any money given to us for this cause. We understand that as a consumer, you probably want something a little more tangible than our insights. We decided to sell band names that we come up with. These are uniquely hand-crafted, but we understand. We tried to make the prices reasonable. Here they are with their prices next to them. You could name your band:
Michael Jackson - $20.00,
The Broncos - $18.99,
Rudimentary Penis - 8 bones,
Borah Lions - $8,
The Strip-Searchers - 1 dollar bill,
Airport Security - (name your price),
The Chicken Strippers - 5 bucks,
The Slim-Jims - $8,
Hot Tamales - $9.99,
Hershey & The Squirts - $49.99,
Bad Tatt - (whatever you paid for yours),
Baseball-Football - $5 or $6. Take your pick,
Ted & The Hard Rock Cochells - $14.99,
Violent Hump - 20 bucks,
Scott Tonder & The Tater Tots - $50.00,
Worn Out - $89.99,
Worm Out - $20.55,
The Wide Stance - (name your price),
The Hairy Houdinis - $77.77,
Slipped Jav - $6.66,
Pythons In Nylons - 12 bucks,
Bulk Hogan - $12,
Hairy Belafonte - $19.99,
Banana Nicole Smith - $45.99,
Tricky Drip - $3,
Kurt Bile - $12.99,
World Chump - $1,
Rocky I'VE - a buck,
Chimp Pansy - 15 bucks,
Phony Accent - 33 dollars,
The Pop-Tarts - 15 bucks,
Fake Dick - $18.99,
MF Fotoshop - $8,
The Fridge Perry - $72,
Hot Ice, Dude - $300.00,
Jus Lik Dat - $5,
Da Bears - (buy me a polish sausage and you can have it),
The Pay Pals - 50 bucks,
MacDons - $6.99,
The Butt-Plugs - (make us an offer),
Crack Sniffers - (we're open to suggestions),
We're Bros - $5,
Dorito Breath - about 4 dollars,
Pass The Piss Test - $29.95 (I think that's what Tommy Chong is asking),
Pass The Tits - $5,
Pissed Test - $20,
Secret Santa - $15.99,
Santa Claws - $30,
The Secret Admirerees - $7.99,
Motorbread - $4,
The Low Blows - $2.99,
Metallicrud - $.99,
Tight Baunch - $20,
Full House - $20,
The Wymen - $100,
Pillage People - $20,
Fartridge Family - $3.99,
Sticks - $2,
Big Dump - (make us an offer),
Supreme Pizzaz - $4,
Ham - $39.99,
The Rug Dealers -$5,
The diKinks - $3,
Blackened Crusties - $12,
Potato Wedgies - $12,
Hamburger Herpies - $12,
The Chicago Chubs - $200,
Snort- $67.83,
Green Gelatin - 80 bucks,
Deep Wiff - $99.99,
Illegal Stream & Those Damn Pop-ups - 20 bucks,
Hard Boiled Legs - 20 bucks,
Chicken Flavor - $.20,
Free-Beez - $2,
The Tripod - $2,
Tick Bite - $5,
Doug Mosh - $30,
Built To Spew - $23,
Piss Floors - $20,
Unibrow - $5,
Peein Waters - one red cent,
Broke P.A. - 50 bucks,
Old Beef Hung - 12 bucks,
Pubics Cube - $65,
Smelly Pud - ten bones,
Fondled Chump - 3 dollars,
The Boss - $6.00,
A Good Read - $4.99,
The Beedles - 12 dollars,
$5 Spicy Italian Footlong - $5,
Big Nugget - $3
Leper's Tip - $20.00
Send us a message if you are interested in any of these. Or better yet, set us up a PayPal account and pay us! (LC)
Thursday, November 8, 2012
I'm a jerk #2
Maniac Lok called the store the other night asking about his new album which he has consignment. I couldn't hear very well, but he went by his real name (which I will not disclose here), but I had to ask him his artist name 3 times and I still couldn't make it out. So, being the jerk that I am, and too embarrassed to ask him to say it again, I pretended to look. I then asked him how many he left at the store. He said 2, so I told him we still have those 2. He asked, "Are you sure?" I said, "Uh, yep." He said, "Thank you for your time," then hung up. Knowing who this guy is by his real name, I realized I messed up. The dude is legit. So I pulled out the consignment book and looked through all the different forms for everyone who has a consignment with us. (There are a lot, because everyone thinks their band will make it big time if they have their CD in our store. If you ask me, it's a waste of time because nobody buys consignments at our store.) So, I find his form and see the name is "Maniac Lok". I run out there and see that we only have ONE copy of his new album. I straight up lied to him, after a friend of his probably came into the store and bought a copy, then called him up and told him. I felt terrible and tried to call him back twice, but his message service is too full of messages for me to leave one for him. So Maniac Lok, if you ever read this, I'm sorry I lied to you. Sometimes I have a hard time hearing things over the phone, but that is no excuse. I should have sucked it up and asked you one more time...I am sorry.
This guy used to play for the Trailblazers. That was how I knew who he was by his real name. He has a barbershop in NE Portland, in case you ever need a trim. (LC)
Him: "You got I'm Not A Human Being by lil' Weezy? Me: "Do you mean lil' Wayne?" Him: "That's what I said." I just found out that lil' Wayne is also known as Weezy to many people.
Boise or Denver? (LC)
biker movie #3
#3: Angels From Hell (1968)- This one felt a little safe after the last two I watched. I mean, it wasn't bad, but bikers don't wear striped shirts, beatniks do. Yeah, watch it if you want. You won't miss much if you don't, though.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Do you think Tom Brokaw reads comic books? I mean, even being "retired" he's still doin' the news. Does it ever get old for him? Just wonderin'...and since we're on this topic, I think I'd be a little more trusting of what I'm being told if newscasters had large birthmarks on their faces or at least a giant mole. Too much plastic surgery these days. It makes me question the "truths" I'm being told by phony-looking newscasters. Hey, I strongly believe with the conviction of the bottom of my heart on my unborn children that you don't have to be good-looking to tell the truth. This blog is a testament to that. Your thoughts? (LC)
Biker movie #2
#2: Stone (1974)- Dave Mustaine got together with Turbonegro and they all decided to ride motorbikes together, except they're Australian. See it. (LC)
Monday, November 5, 2012
Costume Parties
I've seen a lot of Halloween photos in the past week. Concerning the large group photos: There always seems to be a dude that has tried to dressed up like a sexy female. Think about it for next time. Do you really want to be that dude? (LC)
Subaru drivers are the Liberals' equivalent of a Republican. (LC)
Biker movie #1
#1: Hell's Angels '69 (1969)- This movie has a bunch of REAL Hell's Angels in it. It's badass. You should probably watch it. (LC)
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Scary movie #18
#18: Werewolves On Wheels (1971)- Oh man. You gotta see this one. Bikers and satanic monks. Well worth your time. Well, this concludes my scary movie marathon for October. I barely made it over halfway past my goal. It's not like I have all the time in the world to hang out and watch movies... Oh well. I guess there's next year...I think maybe I'll watch a bunch of biker movies in November. (LC)
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