Sunday, October 28, 2012

movie 17

#17: The Wolf Man (1941)- It needs more wolfman. (LC)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Gross post (sometimes you have to go there)

I'm sorry, but I have to get this off my shoulders. I think one of the grossest things is when you wipe and get a little on your finger. It freaks me out and I probably use more TP than I should to try to avoid it. Also, everybody looks when they wipe. There. I apologize for dropping to that level. This truth shall not be said again. (LC)


#16: Dahmer (2002)- A friend told me that one of Dahmer's relatives changed their last name. I'm pretty sure I would do the same. (LC)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

14 & 15

#14: C.H.U.D.(1984)- A little slow but pretty good. #15: Piranha (2010)- It was kinda good but kinda bad. (LC)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

scary movies 10, 11, 12, 13

#10: Dunwich Horror (1970)- This movie is pretty good. #11: The Sentinel (1977)- Kinda creepy. #12: Dracula (1931)- Classic! #13: Re-Animator (1985)- Gnarly flick. Everyone should see it. (LC)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Scary movie #9

#9: Cannibal Holocaust (1980)- This movie is truly special. I don't think I will watch it again. (LC)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Alley Dude

The other day I went to the bookstore in my fine neighborhood. (I at least like to pretend I read.) I walked past this guy. He was just chillin' it that little alleyway and talking to every person that walked by. I could kinda understand. Who hasn't been there before? He might have been drunk, or maybe hadn't slept in a while. I wasn't sure. He was still there when I headed back, so I decided to take his picture (featured above). He seemed like an interesting fella. Probably likes hockey and crap. So I took his photo, then he walked up to me and said, "Hey. I don't want you taking my picture." I told him I didn't, and he said "Oh," and walked back. So, I walked home. 30 minutes later, Wymans sent me out to get her a burrito from Cha. As I drove past this little alleyway, the guy was sleeping in it with his coat over him. I'm glad he finally got some rest. (LC)

scary movies 7 & 8

#7: The Wicker Man (1973)- Great flick. Everyone should see it. Man, I don't like the fuzz telling me what to do, either. #8: Nuda per Satana (1974)- I had a hard time following this movie because it was in Italian. Well, I could follow at least a few things, anyway. You figure it out. (LC)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Scary movies 4,5 & 6

#4:2012:Zombie Apocalyse (2011)- The cartoon zombie tigers at the end killed it for me. #5:Level 7(I think this is the name of it. I can't remember.) - It was a fun movie, but it only if you can read or understand Spanish. I recommend it. #6: Slither (2006)-THIS WAS A FANTASTIC CREATURE FEATURE STYLE FLICK! A MUST SEE. YOUR SKIN WILL BE CRAWLING! It mixes the horror and the comedy very well. I usually hate that crap. (LC)

I never thought I'd admit it but...

I dig The Steve Miller Band. Well, at least their one album called "Greatest Hits 1974-78". Every song is like, a hit. So many good ones that I've heard before on the radio. Or on car commericals. I think this one is my favorite: "Threshold" is pretty cool, too. "Jet Airliner" is a bit of a letdown compared to it, though. Too much boogie-woogie. This album has one major flaw: No "Abracadabra". You know, I'm gonna reach out and grab ya...(LC)

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Did anyone download my new APP? Hopefully not, because I didnt make one. (Bug)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Celebrity Sighting

The rap star Cool Nuts came into the store today to drop off some flyers. He was too busy talking on the phone to say "hi". (LC)


I'm suspicious of people who wear their own headphones while shopping in a music store. Is our music not good enough or something?...Another thing: Yellow is a terrible color for sports cars and pickup trucks...Also, "dude" is okay. "Duder" is not...that's it for now. (LC)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

Scary movies #2 & #3

#2- Rammock (2010). It wasn't too bad. Not very scary, though. The ending was dumb, and you have to know how to read to understand what people are saying. Watch it if you want to. #3- Pontypool (2008). This movie was kind of spooky. You have to use a lot of imagination on this one. (LC)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Oceanic Risks

I dont like swimming in the ocean. There is just too many variables. I can roll up my pant legs just like any other guy and wade in, but I dont like the idea of goofy Star Wars like critters and sharp rocks becoming or having a hand in my demise. Theres just too many rollar coasters I want to ride still. (Bug)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Whenever I have the option of using web version or mobile, I choose web version. (Bug)

Archaic Technology

My VCR recently took a dump and I've been kinda lost without it. I buy a lot of VHS tapes at thrift stores because you can get them for a quarter. I just recently bought a bunch of new ones and was rexcited to spend some quiet time on the couch. I guess I gotta go find a VCR which is gonna be a lot tougher. (Bug)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

a simple question

You know those diners that have signs that say, "Serve breakfast all day"? Does that work for lunch, too? Could I go into one at say, 7AM, and order a burger and tots basket, a cobb salad, or a surf n' turf? You know, if I got the hankerin'...I was just wondering...(LC)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fly on the wall

You may have already seen this photo somewhere else. I just felt compelled to post it here.
I bet that was some party! (LC)

4th annual October scary movie festival

This is the 4th year in a row where I will attempt to watch 31 scary movies during the month of October. I know there are more challenging and prestigious "official" challenges out there doing something like this, but my personal one is about all I have the attention span for. I'll try to keep reviews posted up here. Here is my first review: I got a late start and kicked off the October scary movie festival today with a movie called Strigoi (2009). It wasn't scary. I started reading a book 30 minutes in. This movie is very dull. Lame way to start the fest. I do not recommend watching it, unless you really want to. (LC)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Good times gone

I used to have a pair of really rad aviator glasses. I only bring this up because they are coming back in style with the metalheads again. I'm just saying that I used to have a sweet pair back in the oughts, when only I thought they were cool. You know, the ones with the big mirrored teardrop lenses. I have a large head and these were big enough. I felt like a badass when I wore them. Probably like how Rob Halford feels when he wears his...I lost them dunking babes in the Boise River. That was a lot of fun, but I wish I woulda remembered to take off the shades first. They were bitchin'...