Tuesday, September 25, 2012

3 regrets

People say to live life with no regrets. I think that's a stupid philosophy because it is impossible. I believe everyone regrets something because everyone does stupid things. They realize it later. Those who say they don't regret anything are probably too stupid to realize that. Anyway, here are 3 of my many regrets: 1: I wish I embraced Ozzy Osborne into my life sooner. I was too afraid he would make me evil and want to kill puppies for him. When I finally accepted him, I discovered that Slayer are way worse. I embraced Slayer a couple of years before Ozzy. 2: I regret never playing a Dungeons & Dragons game as a kid. I always wanted to but could never find other kids that wanted to play. I still haven't played the game, but I don't think it would be as cool to me now as it would have when I was 14. 3: I wish I could re-do the 1st part of college...and the 2nd part, too...well, all of it. I should have studied Accounting, Engineering, Spanish, Botany, or something like these. Then maybe I could get a job that pays better. So far, my Communication degree hasn't paid squat. No one cares about record stores anymore. (LC)

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