Tuesday, September 25, 2012

3 items of business

1: You wouldn't believe how many people don't know how to operate a Cd player. 2: I saw a dude begging for change at Whole Foods yesterday. He had on Ray Ban prescription glasses. I wish I could afford Ray Bans. 3: You can't polish a turd. (LC)

3 regrets

People say to live life with no regrets. I think that's a stupid philosophy because it is impossible. I believe everyone regrets something because everyone does stupid things. They realize it later. Those who say they don't regret anything are probably too stupid to realize that. Anyway, here are 3 of my many regrets: 1: I wish I embraced Ozzy Osborne into my life sooner. I was too afraid he would make me evil and want to kill puppies for him. When I finally accepted him, I discovered that Slayer are way worse. I embraced Slayer a couple of years before Ozzy. 2: I regret never playing a Dungeons & Dragons game as a kid. I always wanted to but could never find other kids that wanted to play. I still haven't played the game, but I don't think it would be as cool to me now as it would have when I was 14. 3: I wish I could re-do the 1st part of college...and the 2nd part, too...well, all of it. I should have studied Accounting, Engineering, Spanish, Botany, or something like these. Then maybe I could get a job that pays better. So far, my Communication degree hasn't paid squat. No one cares about record stores anymore. (LC)

Friday, September 14, 2012

Preferred Footware

Whew. It's been a hectic few weeks. Wymans had surgery last week. She's just as mean as she ever was, so she's fine. She was only in the hospital for a couple of nights. That's okay with me. I hate hospitals. Someone's gotta take care of her, so I haven't been to work since. That's pretty cool. I gotta go back next week, though:( I just cleaned the house because the in-laws are coming over for the weekend. I worked about 5 hours on it and the place still looks like dog barf. I think I'm going to have a scarf made from all the pug hair I cleaned up. Let me tell you something. I've spent hours pondering this. There are only 4 occasions I can think of that it is appropriate to wear flip-flops: the beach, the pool, the locker room shower, and checking the mail. Any other time you're just slowing the rest of the world down, slacker. (LC)

Sunday, September 2, 2012


I watched E.T. today for the first time in probably 20 years. It still chokes me up. It doesn't help that the damn alien looks like my dog Ruby.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Sometimes its seriously hard to get out of bed on Saturday. (Bug)