Thursday, April 30, 2015
TV Show review
I don't know why I'm even bringing this up because I'm happy, loyal, and faithful husband and I haven't even seen the show, but... Dating Naked has got to be way cooler than dating with clothes on, right? (LC)
Brutal honesty to oneself.
As much as I hate smugness, I probably undeservedly am. I should work on it. I'm as dumb as I look. Sorry. (At least I don't remind everyone on fb everyday of how cleverly stupid I am. Maybe once or twice a week...) (LC)
Big fight this weekend. I'm rooting for Pacman but I think Money will pull out a decision. That's probably the safest point of view to have. Manny is very fast and a lefty, which could give Floyd some trouble. I think Mayweather might still be a little faster at dodging and countering. I think Pac could end up chasing a running Money around the ring for 12 rounds getting picked at. Tough to say, though. Manny does have KO power and speed and being a southpaw could really mess up Floyd's counter attempts. That they both foil each other's strengths is what makes this match up so good. And that they are arguably the 2 best boxers in the world right now (GGG, Kovalev, and Ward may argue that). It's a legacy fight like none other. Ok, ok. Now bear with me here. Laugh if you want to, but I think the real equivocal factor in the outcome could very well be the strength and nature of the hex Pacman's mom is going to cast on Money during the bout. She's really cute, but I'm dead serious. (LC)
Music production
I have decided to offer my services to chop & screw your music. $4.99 a song for the first album with the option to renegotiate for the second. PM me if you're interested. (LC)
Friday, April 10, 2015
I kind of wish I was tall and thin. Partly because I would be more attractive, but mainly so it would be easier to look down on people. (LC)
Thursday, April 9, 2015
For most pets, You can blame a pet's death on old age if it's, say, 13 or 14 years old. Unless your pet is a turtle. If your turtle dies at 13 or 14 years old it's pretty much your fault. (LC)
'Tis the Season
I don't know why so many people like Spring. They must not have allergy problems. Or maybe they like allergies. I don't know. I look like I've been huffing paint right now. (LC)
I take it back...
I went to wrestling camp for a week the summer I turned 17 over in Truckee, CA. Completely different kind of meatballs, though, and the reminder of one hell of a historical rager: The Donner Party...(LC)
Status update
I don't vlog. (LC)
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