Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Favorite Prince album
Seriously, it would be easy to go with something like "Controversy", "Sign O' The Times", or "Purple Rain". Don't get me wrong, I pretty much like all Prince, so my choice might come as a bit of a shock. My favorite Prince album is the "Batman" OST from 1989. It may not have hits like "Little Red Corvette" or "Raspberry Beret", but it has some serious jams on it and the album's overall flow is fantastic. It opens with "The Future" which is a mid-tempo warm-up groove. the album also has the danceable "Lemon Crush", the wild "Partyman", the signature ballad "The Arms of Orion", and closes with a bang of a track "BatDance". I would post some videos but I don't think Prince likes his music on YouTube. I don't know, you might have better luck. But seriously though, do yourself a favor and pick this album up at your nearest used cd store. You won't regret it... (LC)
Monday, August 12, 2013
Things I learned on the Internet today.
I learned what I.C.P. look like with out make-up:
More importantly, I lurned this: click here! (LC)
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Natural Selection
More like Natural Erection... because it's Shark Week! Check out this bozo:
It is a bad idea to kiss a shark. Why? They don't have lips, dummy. Just a lot of really sharp teeth. By the way, my stance on shark finning is that I'm waaaay against it. I bet it's a terrible job to have, plus it seems pretty lame anyways. They say it's a delicacy? So what. They also say Rhino horns and albino foreskins are delicacies, too. Anyway, that's my political stance on that. (LC)
Sunday, August 4, 2013
New post
It has been about 2 months since I last posted. Sorry, this summer has been very eventful so far, and I haven't been struck with all that many anecdotes of wisdom to share in the meantime.
I guess the biggest bit of news as of late was that K-WYE's little bro, J-DUB, had an incident at work a few weeks ago where he had to go to the hospital. The docs discovered a tumor roughly the size of an orange in his melon. (Oranges come in many different sizes. We are talking closer to naval than mandarin here.) Scary stuff. He had it removed last week and seems to be recovering well. I went up to Seattle to hang out with him at the UFC event a couple days before surgery. We had a good time, if I remember correctly. K-WYE has made a few trips up to Seattle to help him out. He's a tough kid, and is in good hands...
K-WYE is still kicking butt in school. She knows a lot, and she can do a lot. Let me just say that I'm glad I'm on her good side...
The new "old" job is going pretty well. The commute is a pain in the butt, and the work isn't a thrill, but I guess it is a nice change of pace. It usually takes me a couple weeks before I get up the nerve to take a dump at a new job. I took my first one on my 3rd day. Now it's a regular occurrence...
I think the last live show I've been to was Bolt Thrower back in May. It was an excellent experience...
We have been without electricity for about half the lights and half the outlets in our little condo since the end of June. Electricians have come out twice to try to figure out what's wrong. I already have learned that the problem is one of 2 things: either these electricians are not a not any good, or the ones that originally wired up the place were terrible. Maybe it's both, I don't know. K-WYE said the second one was a real dick. The Homeowner's Association/neighbors/fellow condo owners have not been very helpful or supportive. If there is any truth to that thought power stuff, then hopefully they will be going through the same thing we are in the next year or two. Spite is a powerful thing, man.
We made a quick trip to the desert in Idaho for the annual Chick family reunion. I think we had a good time. It was around 105 degrees. A lot of hot Chicks running around...har har.
Had to get a new battery for the Yaris last month...
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. It was my birthday a couple days ago. I am now legally 38 years old. I usually deactivate my Facebook account for a few days around my birthday. I just don't want a bunch of people that I didn't wish a happy birthday to wishing me a happy birthday. It reminds me of what an ungrateful jerk I am, and I really don't like that. Anyway, I asked for a scale to, you know, check my weight. Instead, I got a hundred dollar gift card and K-WYE took me out for sushi! (The tab was almost a hundred bucks. I'm glad she paid.) Anyway, so much for getting what you ask for...
That about wraps it up. I mean, more things happened than that. I could tell you about how I've been feeling a little constipated lately and how I think that it might be hurting my kidneys and how I keep on eating those fiber gummys hoping they will loosen things up...Well, I think my point is made. I will try harder to bring more insightful bits of wisdom more frequently. Toodles. (LC)
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