Thursday, March 22, 2012

Personal info.

I'm terrible at conversations. (LC)


  1. Sooooooo - you take after dad, huh?

  2. Did some community service down at a local thrift store this morning. I was inspecting a generously donated pale green onesie for brown skids when a young man with whom I had not previously been acquainted, walked over to join me at the table. We stood silently for all of a fraction of a minute before the bearded youth turned to me, paused, and asked, quite sincerely, and without prior introduction, if I'd heard about Butch Otter's plan to reduce the national debt by selling Northern Idaho to China " know, like the Louisiana Purchase." Clearly blessed with the gift of gab, unorthodox as his approach was, I was reeling with envy at his remarkable socialization and poise in engaging a stranger. He continued on about plans for an expedition across the globe to track and photograph various beasts of lore, not limited to Nessie of Loch Ness, other sea serpents, and that Abominable Snowman that lives at Disneyland up on the Matterhorn. It wasn't easy, but I was able to sneak in my own contribution by throwing out a brief allusion to El Chupacabra while he paused to catch his breath and perhaps look for any social cue I may have inadvertently thrown out that might encourage him to continue on. He must have found one, and he did continue, and in more serious fashion recounted his days back in high school when the other kids used to throw rocks at him. Though, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if one day this chap, at the least, finds great success on the speed dating circuit, and at most, lands a beauty straight out of Clooney's stable, what with Steve-O's recent success and all. Not very good at folding clothes, though.
