A Gentleman's Guide To The Truth
True statements by concerned gentlemen.

Saturday, September 24, 2016
Friday, September 16, 2016
You know you're getting kind of old when you leave the bathroom smelling like how you remember your old man did when you were a kid. #amiright? (LC)
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
(secret #2:)
I like U2. So what. (LC)
A roll of the dice...
I know this is kind of morbid, but if you've read this blog before, well... I stay up wondering the odds a lot. Like if I had the same good looks as Michael Hutchence would I suffer the same fate. I bet that dude got plenty of action up until then, though. I guess beauty truly is a blessing and a curse. (secret: I got a thing for INXS.) (LC)
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Clyde's talking about D.B. Cooper now. I don't have any answers, but I can't help but think about Cooper making it rain at Bigfoot, who is swinging around a pine tree like it's a stripper pole... Could've happened... (LC)
Monday, July 20, 2015
Exclusive Clubs
I'm listening to Clyde Lewis right now (google him if you don't know). He has a guest that's talking about Bohemian Grove. I guess that's a place in California where an exclusive club of bird watchers meet up. Or maybe they do human sacrifice. I'm not really sure, that's what I can get from this program so far... Anyway, I'm not really crazy about clubs, especially exclusive boys' clubs. I know I've talked about this before, but I think it's really dumb. I mean, I was a boy scout, which had some cool moments. I also joined one of those tape clubs for a short time. That one was a total rip-off. Anyway, I don't really like clubs. (LC)
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Self Worth
Sharks have gotten some attention recently. Shark Week just happened, some attacks... Well, I was just thinking. If you survive a shark attack, it means you're not worth eating. Think about it. That can really mess with your self esteem. (LC)
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Night Sweats
Since the weather has really cranked up as of late, I've considered sleeping in the buff. Maybe not a great idea, though. I've never tried it. What about a jock strap?... Nah. Probably not the best idea, either. (LC)
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Only in dreams...
I had a dream the other night that I got into a wrestling match with Ronda Rousey in my living room. Of course she whooped my butt. Afterwards though, her family helped KY and me load up our moving truck. That was pretty cool, but I'm not sure what it meant... We're moving for reals by the way. In August. KY is a genius and landed a post doc gig in Charlottesville, VA. That's where Thomas Jefferson is from. You know, the dude that wrote the Declaration of Independence. Pres #3. Anyway, I can't say I'll miss Wichita... (LC)
Monday, June 8, 2015
Everything I'm good at in my life I've earned through my hard work; my blood, sweat, and tears. This is the very reason I'm not good at anything. (LC)
Travel tip
Whenever I hear about Airbnb, I can't help but imagine the Airbnb Killer. (LC)
Monday, June 1, 2015
The Boob Tube
I scroll the t.v. menu just about every day. I have to admit that almost every time, for about a split second, I get a little excited when I come across Conan. Then I realize that it's the talk show, not, you know, the barbarian. Don't get me wrong. Conan the Comedian/host is great! He's hilarious! I really like him. I just prefer Schwarzenegger. There's nothing wrong with that. (LC)
Current Issues
Even though I'm happily married, I must say Caitlyn Jenner is starting to look pretty darn good!
At least she's waaaay better looking now than when she was trying to look like a dude.
Anyways, I'm happy for her and respect her right to be the person she is. May she live long and prosper. May she continue to endure with patience the household she lives in. Godspeed. Nanoo Nanoo. (LC)
At least she's waaaay better looking now than when she was trying to look like a dude.
Anyways, I'm happy for her and respect her right to be the person she is. May she live long and prosper. May she continue to endure with patience the household she lives in. Godspeed. Nanoo Nanoo. (LC)
Friday, May 29, 2015
I'm a pretty big fan of art, but for the life of me, I cannot tell good poetry from the bad. I mean, all my favorite poems involve Nantucket... yeah, I just don't know... (LC)
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
That's the power of love
Some dude down the street owns a Delorean and leaves it uncovered and exposed to the elements in his front drive. I know it's made of stainless steel, but still... I wonder if he'd give me 3 chances to guess what his favorite movie is... Sorry about the quality of this photo. I wasn't brave enough to get any closer. This is Wichita after all. (LC)
Metal sighting
I was watching a documentary on that band OMD the other morning and a dude wearing a Venom Shirt showed up:
The movie is available on YouTube. (LC)
The movie is available on YouTube. (LC)
People who own yellow Hummers have more money than they deserve. (LC)
The world is full of shit that doesn't work the way it's supposed to. (LC)
Friday, May 8, 2015
Affirmative Action
Caveat: This post is by no means intended to make fun of people with disabilities. Contrarily, this post is meant to praise an individual that has excelled with what may be perceived as a legitimate disadvantage...It's no secret that I'm a big fan of fighting. I'm also kind of a closet equal rights freak. (I'm working on it, anyway.) The Notorious Nick Newell is a really good fighter with a record of 12 wins 1 loss. The dude was born without a left arm below the elbow. But did I say he's really good? Yeah, most of his fights end in the 1st round, so don't feel bad that he only has one arm. He wouldn't want you to. I've seen him do if a few times. Nick beats dudes up in a way that makes them look bad. He's fun, exciting, and a great personality for MMA. Seems like a cool dude. For all I know, he might like At The Gates. I do feel bad for his opponents, though. In the eyes of the unfamiliar, it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario. If you win, you just beat a dude with one arm, you're a dick. If you lose, you just lost to a dude with one arm... Tough spot to be in. Ultimately, there's a pretty good chance you'll get choked out, anyway you fool.. In all seriousness, do you wanna know the secret to beat this guy? Right high kick. xoxo
Metal Sighting
Suicidal Tendencies on Miami Vice Season 2 Episode 21. You can check this out for yourself if you have Netflix. (Miami Vice is one of the best shows ever made and well worth your time.) Please do not confuse this sighting with the very similar Infectious Grooves appearance in Encino Man. (LC)
Saturday, May 2, 2015
People always argue about art. Is it or isn't it good? You know how some people say rap isn't even music? Yeah, that kind of thing. How about experimental art or music or noise? Is it art? Is it even music? How about Duchamp's urinal. Is that art? How about the group named Bang On A Can? Say you buy a CD of theirs and don't like it. It's not like you weren't warned, so that one's on you. (LC)
Battle of the Sexes part deuce
I don't know why I'm posting this. I'm happily married, but... You know how on TV shows a woman can get away with throwing a drink in a man's face and he has to take it, you know, like a man. A dude can't throw a drink in a woman's face, though. I know, I know. It's an aggressive action or act of violence (which really is no laughing matter). It's not like one can really throw a drink harder in the face of another, though, right? Wouldn't a woman throwing a drink be equally damaging as that of a man doing it? So really, what it comes down to is no one should be throwing drinks no matter the gender. This being said, behaviorally speaking, the conduct of men in situations where drinks are thrown seems to be frequently more deserving of this kind of reception than that of women. So, for the men: Learn to behave. Ok, rant over. I gotta go clean the house. We have people coming over for the Mayweater-Pacquiao fight. (LC)
Battle of the Sexes
I'm happily married so I don't really know why I'm posting this. You know how women are always looking for a "confident man". I think that what they really mean is that they're looking someone to do everything for them. Am I off base here? (LC)
The thing is, I know what's good. I just don't know what people like. There's a difference. (LC)
the hits
(Quick preface: I had to ask KY about this because she's the psychology genius.) When a certain subject always brings up a specific memory, it's called a mental primer or trigger. You know, like how the smell of IcyHot makes you think of the locker room in high school?...anyway, it does for me. (If you care to learn more about metal triggers you can either 1) Google it like I did, or 2) click this link HERE . ) Ok, here's what I'm getting at: So, there have been a lot of hit songs about specific women named ____? You know, Boston's "Amanda", Starship's "Sara", The Police's "Roxanne" and Michael Jackson's "Dirty Diana", etc, etc? Well, I've known a whole bunch of Amandas, Saras, Roxannes, and Dirty Dianas in my life, so those songs can be about anyone. I could be thinking about a many number of things when I hear those songs. Here's the thing though: my quandary is with Toto's "Rosanna". It's a fantastic song. Huge hit. I've only known one Rosanna in my life ever, though, and that was my Junior High pal's mom. An amazing woman, and terrific mom. She raised a great family. But I never thought of her in, you know, that way. Except when that song comes on I have a mental trigger...of her. Could be why I prefer "Africa".(LC)
Thursday, April 30, 2015
TV Show review
I don't know why I'm even bringing this up because I'm happy, loyal, and faithful husband and I haven't even seen the show, but... Dating Naked has got to be way cooler than dating with clothes on, right? (LC)
Brutal honesty to oneself.
As much as I hate smugness, I probably undeservedly am. I should work on it. I'm as dumb as I look. Sorry. (At least I don't remind everyone on fb everyday of how cleverly stupid I am. Maybe once or twice a week...) (LC)
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