Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Night Sweats

Since the weather has really cranked up as of late, I've considered sleeping in the buff.  Maybe not a great idea, though.  I've never tried it.  What about a jock strap?... Nah.  Probably not the best idea, either. (LC)

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Only in dreams...

I had a dream the other night that I got into a wrestling match with Ronda Rousey in my living room.  Of course she whooped my butt.  Afterwards though, her family helped KY and me load up our moving truck.  That was pretty cool, but I'm not sure what it meant... We're moving for reals by the way. In August. KY is a genius and landed a post doc gig in Charlottesville, VA. That's where Thomas Jefferson is from.  You know, the dude that wrote the Declaration of Independence.  Pres #3.  Anyway, I can't say I'll miss Wichita... (LC)

Monday, June 8, 2015


Everything I'm good at in my life I've earned through my hard work; my blood, sweat, and tears.  This is the very reason I'm not good at anything. (LC)

Travel tip

Whenever I hear about Airbnb, I can't help but imagine the Airbnb Killer. (LC)

Monday, June 1, 2015

The Boob Tube

I scroll the t.v. menu just about every day.  I have to admit that almost every time, for about a split second, I get a little excited when I come across Conan.  Then I realize that it's the talk show, not, you know, the barbarian.  Don't get me wrong.  Conan the Comedian/host is great! He's hilarious! I really like him.  I just prefer Schwarzenegger.  There's nothing wrong with that.  (LC)

Current Issues

Even though I'm happily married, I must say Caitlyn Jenner is starting to look pretty darn good! 

At least she's waaaay better looking now than when she was trying to look like a dude.
Anyways, I'm happy for her and respect her right to be the person she is.  May she live long and prosper.  May she continue to endure with patience the household she lives in.  Godspeed.         Nanoo Nanoo. (LC)