Monday, November 24, 2014


I would probably have to give the greatest of all time at wall-busting entrances title to Kool-Aid Man.  That one is easy.  Who's second best, though?  Lets say KAM died, who would then be the best at bustin' through bricks?  It would be a hell of a fun contest to find out.  I have a few potential contenders:  The Thing from Fantastic Four, The Terminator, Pink Floyd, Ronda Rousey, Ferris Beuller(???), Chewbacca, and The Toxic Avenger.  I really wanted to include The Ultimate Warrior and Macho Man.  Sadly, they are no longer with us, R.I.P.  Who else should be in on this? (LC)

Saturday, November 1, 2014


The other day I was contemplating the subject of New Jersey musicians.  I got to thinking about that Bon Jovi song "Livin' On A Prayer".  I thought about the lyrics, and then it dawned me that the song could just as well have been written by Springteen. "Tommy used to work on the docks.  Union's been on strike, He's down on his luck...It's tough, so tough..."  You know how it goes. Totally The Boss's style.  Now hear it in his voice... "Whoa, we're half way there.  Whoa, livin' on a prayer.  Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear. Whoa, livin' on a prayer..."  Take my word.  It works.  Kinda like "Born To Run".  I guess I'll see if I can keep this thing going... (LC)